Be very, very, quiet!
Cuba USA

Be very, very, quiet!

Be very, very, quiet! No, no, we must read this post in a very small whisper...rumors from several days ago were that the dictator was the rumor mill says the adidas clad dictator is very "ill" and unconscious. No way of confirming this, plus the dictator has died 1,000 times already. One thing for sure the Cuban people are restless, and the dictatorship is worried about an uprising by the Cuban people.

We will see...

- Something Is In The Air.......
Rumors are flying that the dictator is dead....I REPEAT RUMORS.....I don't believe it and their is no way of confirming it anyway. One thing for sure something is in the air....PEOPLE are protesting in Cuba despite being brutally attacked and tear...

- Rumor Friday.......
We still don't know if the apartheid dictator is really dead or not. Every Friday El Cafe Cubano will dish out the latest: -The real reason the Adidas wearing dictator can not be seen in public is that he is now obsessed with wearing "I LOVE YOU...

- Well I Know It's Not Rumor Friday Yet...
Remember my FREEDOM loving brethren to read these rumors in a low whisper. "Tricky Ricky" alarcon was in Canada yesterday and when pressed about the dictator: NOTHING? Exit plans "tricky ricky?" raulita has not been seen since his fashion trip to italia...

- It's Rumor Friday.......
It's Friday and you know every Friday rumors pop up that the aparthied dictator has died! Since it's Labor Day weekend YOU KNOW the commies will not release any news. The juicest rumor flying around is that raulita was in Italia for a possible...

- Why The Silence?
Very quiet in Cuber after the love-fest between the dictator and mini-me. All these whispers about Mirta in Cuba, Raulita wanting to open up a little, but remain in power with his cronies. It seems that a deal has been struck because it's just to...

Cuba USA
