Why the silence?
Cuba USA

Why the silence?

Very quiet in Cuber after the love-fest between the dictator and mini-me. All these whispers about Mirta in Cuba, Raulita wanting to open up a little, but remain in power with his cronies. It seems that a deal has been struck because it's just to quiet! Even with MSM you can hear crickets in the background concerning Cuber. Everyone has a scenario with the whispers on what will happen in Cuba when the dictator is finally dead. Folks may I remind you : are we going to sell out our brothers and let the dictator, raulita, "tricky ricky" and the killhouse gang off free? Am I wrong? My brothers and sisters what about the political prisoners? What about all the atrocities? I hear "reconciliation" thrown out very easy, yes we are together with the Cuban people, NO reconciliation or sell out to the KILLHOUSE GANG!


I will leave you with this quote from Jose Marti:

"Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness. "

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Cuba USA
