Cuba USA

The real scoop about the revolution

The excellent website The Real Cuba has the scoop concerning who really was behind the revolution. Beware all of you romantic commies, this is the real scoop, not the romantic crap about this being the poor against the the rich. You see the dictator stole from everyone including the rich who financed his revolution.

- We Can't Forget About Brazil!
We can not forget about Brazil! Elections are around the corner with Lula "La Loca" having scandals, remixing videos, and overall bad manners! Check out our Brazilian brothers and sisters with the latest scoop! Down with Lula!...

Flagpoles? CB at Killcastro has the latest scoop on the flagpole attack. CB also has these actual photos taken at the jobsite. Seems like the dictator is going to get back at us concerning the ticker(wait a minute folks, don't laugh)by inserting...

Evo Morales Fooled Real Cuba has the scoop on how mini-me #3 was fooled in believing that he was talking to the Spanish Prime Minister. OOPS! he let the cat out of the bag on how he wants to form an alliance with Castro and Chavez(Like we did not know...

Cubanos No Way! Blog for Cuba has an excellent analysis on the immigration issue. I hear these comments all the time "Cubans get preferential treatment when it comes to immigration." Look at the numbers: 400,000 vs. 2,368. We have over 11 million illegals...

Commie 101 Commie propaganda is full of slogans and code words to try to confuse the public. Now to Cuban-Americans or those who have lived through the horrors of communism, you know well commie speak. This commie to real definition list is to decipher...

Cuba USA
