Cuba USA

Team Dictator

Well, who do we have hear? It's the dictator's son Tony, the team physician. Isn't it nice that he can be the team physician, live a life of luxury, while other doctors are sent to other countries to basically do slave labor for the dictator.


Here we have a video from journalist Rey Sanchez of Newsday. I have a couple of comments:

1. No, he is there to make sure no one defects and to intimidate!
2. A decent player, which scouts were interested? How do we know that? No freedom of press in Cuba, come mierda! Probably another B.S. propaganda move that everyone eats up without any verification.
3. Did you ask him about the signs? Did you ask about any of the political prisoners? I can go on and on...

- Inspector Clouseau To Lead The Un Weapons Cargo Inspection Of Cuban Ship......updated********
El Cafe Cubano has learned that Inspector Clouseau will be the lead investigator for the UN. The good inspector will lead a team to "FACT FINDING"  mission concerning the Cuban ship that was found in Panama to have "240 tons of weaponry" -Early...

- Cardinal Ortega To Visit Miami?
Received an e-mail stating that Cardinal Ortega will visit Miami either the end of this week or sometime next week. This is not verified, but someone received this info from Cuba and then relayed this to the freedom fighters via e-mail. I am sure my...

"Hands-off Cuba, Hands-off Venezuela" rally You have to watch this video concerning this rally. Age of Hooper has the video and comments concerning the rally. I am sorry, but I fell off my chair laughing hearing some of the speakers and I nearly lost...

Why no mention of signs at WBC? This photo courtesy of Real Cuba. El Confetti attended the game, has comments, and a slide show. Now I only watched 3 innings of the game, but after hearing Joe Morgan and the other comemierda fawn all over the Cuban...

Foul Ball!!!!! News is all over about how Cuba will play in the World Classic. Funny how the hunger strike took days to reach the media. It's been only several hours and the usual cronies already have a press statement. The dictator always boast...

Cuba USA
