Cuba USA

Foul Ball!!!!!

News is all over about how Cuba will play in the World Classic. Funny how the hunger strike took days to reach the media. It's been only several hours and the usual cronies already have a press statement. The dictator always boast on how his "amateur team" is the best in the world. Remember all those years when his 30 year old "amateurs" would play college students. No one complained, but now this is a professional baseball classic and it's poor me let me play? Well, what's done is done, now let's see if at every game that Cuba is involved, we have signs denouncing the dictator and signs calling for freedom.

- Ok I Will Say It....
I am far from a baseball expert, but I do LOVE the game! This past week in the paper everyday they had several pages dedicated to the Dominican Republic, how they dominate baseball, and how they have the best baseball players in the world and how they...

"Tremendous challenge" The official press from apartheid Cuba states that the challenge in the World Baseball Classic is going to be "tremendous." I believe the real challenge for them is to keep players from defecting.The real challenge is not who the...

What the f....! What the f... is going on on? Guillermo Farinas on a hunger strike and the MSM basically ignores the strike and his basic principles. A reporter investigating about the Cuban rafters gets the crap beaten out him and do you see any mention...

The Dictator calls Bush a "Fool" The dictator rambles: He is very much a fool," the Cuban president said of Bush. "He doesn't know who the Cuban baseball players are, or that they are Olympic and world champions. If he knew, he would know something...

Press Release from Jose Serrano Naturally our favorite commie is so concerned about Cuba not being able to play baseball, but overlooks the "Ladies in White" not being able to travel and Dr. Biset in prison. In the spirit of baseball I would like to...

Cuba USA
