Cuba USA

Why no mention of signs at WBC?

This photo courtesy of Real Cuba. El Confetti attended the game, has comments, and a slide show. Now I only watched 3 innings of the game, but after hearing Joe Morgan and the other comemierda fawn all over the Cuban team and ESPN repeatedly showing shots of Tony"The defector buster," was to much to take. I noticed this sign while watching the game, but of course it was not in focus and no mention from the announcers. They gleefully showed all the dictator supporters dancing and whooping it up of course.

- "all Commie Cuba Baseball Team"
Today will be the the MLB All Star game and as a baseball fan I am looking foward to watching the game. In the spirit of baseball I would like to nominate the "All Commie Cuba Baseball Team" Please send in your nominations and I will post them. Here are...

- Ok I Will Say It....
I am far from a baseball expert, but I do LOVE the game! This past week in the paper everyday they had several pages dedicated to the Dominican Republic, how they dominate baseball, and how they have the best baseball players in the world and how they...

Team Dictator Well, who do we have hear? It's the dictator's son Tony, the team physician. Isn't it nice that he can be the team physician, live a life of luxury, while other doctors are sent to other countries to basically do slave labor...

Foul Ball!!!!! News is all over about how Cuba will play in the World Classic. Funny how the hunger strike took days to reach the media. It's been only several hours and the usual cronies already have a press statement. The dictator always boast...

- Video Game Developed By The Youth Computer Club
Che Guevara and Fidel Castro have inspired a Cuban shooter game, Gesta Final Gesta Final is a keyboard operated game developed by a 12-person team directed by Haylin Corujo, head of video game studies for Cuba's Youth Computer Club. It is intended...

Cuba USA
