Cardinal Ortega to visit Miami?
Cuba USA

Cardinal Ortega to visit Miami?

Received an e-mail stating that Cardinal Ortega will visit Miami either the end of this week or sometime next week. This is not verified, but someone received this info from Cuba and then relayed this to the freedom fighters via e-mail.

I am sure my freedom loving brethren has some choice words for the Cardinal! I will refrain from some of my comments or tirades, but our message to him and all those who support the dictator:

Freedom for Cuba/Democracy
Release all political prisoners
Freedom of the press
Free elections
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of association
Cease the apartheid system in Cuba

--Only what Cubans have been asking for over 47 years, not what has been forced on them by the dictator. FREEDOM is a God given right that no man should take away!

Can I hear a AMEN, brothers!

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Message from Cardinal Martino CB at Killcastro has the latest concerning his visit and message. My only comment is that it's the same old stuff and it seems that the whole world has to change, but the evil dictator can remain the same. Anyway, the...

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Cuba USA
