What Elections?
Cuba USA

What Elections?

El Cafe Cubano has not yet posted anything concerning the elections in Cuba, because these are not TRUE ELECTIONS. No matter how the apartheid dictatorship tries to spin it and the media tries to frame it. These are NOT democratic elections! The elections are a farce and everything to do with the apartheid dictatorship is a fake. Our dear apostle Jose Marti never envisioned this for Cuba. From all the blood spilled to gain Independence from Spain and all the blood spilled from the executions at the hand of a ruthless tyranny of 49 years, nuestro Jose Marti envisioned a FREE and prosperous Cuba.

Is this what our martyrs died for? NO! Get up nuestro Mambises NOW and take back Cuba just as Jose Marti envisioned.

- "oas Ends Cuba Suspension After 47 Years"
Isn't that special! Cuba with no FREE elections and with ONE FAMILY ruling the island for 50 years is rewarded with a chance to rejoin the OAS. So what, it's still a dictatorship no matter how you try to spin it, all the concessions trying to...

- "u.s. Executives Blast Cuba Policy"
Here we go again with the same old song and dance about the embargo. No mention in the article about 48 years without elections. What about the political prisoners? What about all those insignificant Cubans to the media that the apartheid dictatorship...

What a Disgrace! Pedro at Baracutey Cubano, has a post concerning Hugo Chavez to receive the Jose Marti award in January 2006. Yes folks, this commie receiving an award with the name of Jose Marti is a utter disgrace. The name of Hugo Chavez and Fidel...

Elections Congressional elections are scheduled for tomorrow for Venezuela. Here is a reminder on how extensive Jimmy Carter reviewed the claims of fraud for the election. Jimmy "one day and out" intensive investigation can be seen through his report...

Elections in Venezuela The congressional elections are scheduled for this Sunday and some opposition groups are withdrawing saying that conditions are not conducive to fair elections. I am sure Jimmy Carter will come in and straighten everything out(For...

Cuba USA
