"U.S. executives blast Cuba policy"
Cuba USA

"U.S. executives blast Cuba policy"

Here we go again with the same old song and dance about the embargo. No mention in the article about 48 years without elections. What about the political prisoners? What about all those insignificant Cubans to the media that the apartheid dictatorship have executed?

Don't you love the title: "U.S. executives blast Cuba policy." I love these sound bite quotes:

"We in Mississippi are absolutely committed to ending the political barriers that separate our countries," said William Hawks, a Mississippi farm executive and former undersecretary in the U.S. agricultural department. "It is time that we move forward."

Ending political barriers? O.K. why don't you ask for the immediate removal of the dictator, ask for FREE elections, and the release of political prisoners! Cuba is not FREE because of the dictator, not because of the embargo Mr. running rebel. Blast everyone and everything because you can't peddle more products in Cuba, but silent on all the atrocities?

"The trade embargo has not only hurt the Cuban people but it has hurt the American farmer," said John Newcomb, an Arkansas farm executive. "I want to challenge Mr. Bush to tear down this embargo now: Open trade and travel between our two countries."

Hurt the American farmer? No, Mr. razorback why don't you challenge the dictator to remove the chains of bondage? Right now you are just dealing with a Mafia(Don Castro family) controlled island. Yes, one family controlling Cuba for 48 years. Funny how this never gets any play from the media!

Juan Artigas, president of EMRN Group Inc., a Sarasota-based agricultural products firm, said that though he was born in Havana and left as a child decades ago, he had no problem doing business with Castro's Cuba. "I don't care about the politics," he said. "This is an opportunity to do business -- it is just business."

At least your honest Juany, you just want to make MORE MONEY! I just wish you cared about our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Business is business, murder is murder, political prisoners is political prisoners, no elections in 48 years is no elections in 48 years, and a apartheid system is a apartheid system.

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Cuba USA
