Washington’s revenge - México
Cuba USA

Washington’s revenge - México

John Saxe -Fernandez 
Source la jornada

The population sovereignty, energy supply and territorial integrity, not to mention public account – particularly its foreign sector – are at risk through the crush and extinction/foreign situation on going in Pemex and the CFE: it is the revenge of Washington executed by the PRI-PAN majority. This historical return against oil nationalization, made legal in December of 2013 committed in secondary laws that grants the oil to foreig nmonopolies after the nationalization by Cardenas(big oil) and the voracious plutocracy, also accomplices with mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto in the dispossession of lands and forests to cooperatives, owners, peoples and indigenous communities: revenge that consecrated to plunder, privatization and corruption under a high degree of lack of discretion, centralization and opacity granted by the Executive in the management of this colossal assault. Privatization and corruption are links that join a revenge that is at risk in all of Mexico.
In terms of contracts PRIAN ignored the objection of Senator Dolores Padierna that the law of hydrocarbons does not explain its modalities, granting a high degree of believability by the Treasury Departmentthat grants and defines the amount of the income to pay the contractors (La Jornada, 19/7/14, p. 5).It is the Treasury secretary, who grants and defines the amount to pay contractors (La Jornada, 19/7/14, p. 5). And, regarding regulations the issue is politicized in a process through regulating committees, presided by the Energy secretary. Secondary laws are passed in a vacuum. Not through a large national debate but as during Salinas and Zedillo of a multi millionaire waterfall of spots for another privatizing festivity; this time with the oil and electricity legacyof the nation as a main dish for big oil and its persuasive lobby.It is an old picture, not vanguard as claimed by the shameful traitors. We saw it last century when the structural adjustments(PAEs) of the IMF-WB-IDB chock full of juicy loans – and commissions– that launched a wave of privatization under the modus operandi of the capitalism of buddies. That led to about twenty Forbes mega millionaires.

Between 1988 and the early 90s were more than 10 thousand of privatization of public enterprises in the world, quadruplicated in the south of the Bravo river. Between 1988 and 1994 3 thousand companies were sold at a miserly cost that amounted to 110 billion dollars, many likeTelmex in black numbers.

As today, conflicts of interest were many. Zedillo auctioned railroadsand was awarded: he went from president to advisor and/or official of rail ways and other favored private monopolies from Los Pinos.

With privatizations power was concentrated and wealth for one percentand forged was an abysm of economic informality, with 99% ofunemployment, exploitation, misery and criminal violence.

Private monopolies flowered as well as subsidies and favoritism for buddies – contractors, rising prices and deterioration of services.
The regulation left us without a national bank and without credit for industry.

Peña et al move against the current. South American rejection of México Morena, El Barzón y la Coordinadora Nacional Plan de Ayala called the largest theft is repeated in Europe with the rise of social
unrest against the class oriented management of the crisis, tolerance of slaps of bankers and CEO salaries of private companies earning 50 times more than their predecessors.

While state de regulations fill pockets here and there of investors/speculators at a rhythm between 419 and 500 percent, theaverage institutions between informality and assets pass to foreign hands.

Twenty years later privatizations were checked and increased endorsement of re nationalization of services and strategic sectors (water, electricity, transportation, education) because the taxes of energy increased an average of 140 percent; management of water by 74%- without maintenance, losses 30% - train tickets increased by 100 and 200 percent. Here they were cancelled to contain forced migration to the United States and the country that became a brutal migratory mattress filled with clandestine pits and genocide.
Stiglitz advanced that the promoters of privatization by over estimating its benefits and over estimating political costs encourage large social outbursts. For a people obliged to pay whatever the public private associations cost for transportation, water, education, use of rapid routes, health, etc., is aclass war, while the neo liberal cupola of the PAEs receive sumptuous legal commissions in Swiss bank accounts. Stiglitz called the loans bribes. The 557.7 million dollarsof IDB, part of the loan package for Mexico of 3 778 mdd for infrastructure as well as increasing the public debt to promote amaximum of liquidity from plundering of the history of the Mexican people.

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Cuba USA
