Unprotected Childhood
Cuba USA

Unprotected Childhood

By Arnaldo Musa, 
Source: Cubasí 

That 132 million children will go hungry in 2020 about 115 million have dangerous jobs and more than 600 000 are used as canon fodder and are mere figures for those responsible of these crimes and it is disgraceful for those incapable of protecting their rights to education, health, to play, to rest, in a healthy environment, be with their families among other measures established by the International Convention of the Rights of Children, ratified in the U.N. with the exception of Somalia and … the United States. 
Now a president has been elected by a wide majority in Colombia betting on peace and attention is paid for children of this South American country. I cannot fail to think of that 14 year old adolescent who shot to death a left wing candidate in the airport of Bogota who I had interviewed the week before in Havana; with those little Cambodians of the popolpot dictatorship who were taught to kill; or the children during the imperialist war of aggression of the disintegrated Yugoslavia who took part in firing squads to kill other children. 

Because all this of the unprotected children or is a danger that has many faces. There are those that serve as culture media to join the rank of the youth gangs, abandoned to their fate in jails and their role as canon fodder in wars of all kinds in the world. 

According to the Brazilian web page, Adital, infant mortality is an astonishingly 20 000 a year and there are 17 countries in which governments and opposition continue to use children in armed conflicts. 

Wars have killed more than two million children, maimed six million and left orphaned eight million more in the past decade. 

But there are others who are taught to kill in the video games, regardless if it is a developed or under developed nation. 

If it is a nation such as the United States, main creators of virtual evil it is not strange that so many weapons are legally sold freely and audiovisual games proliferate in massacres in the schools with a great deal of fuss in the media, but not in the least effective so as not to harm the weapons market. 

And if this happens in an under developed nations, let’s see what tone is used, according to reports in the Peruvian weekly that I bring to the point: 

“Mom, I killed them all,” Nicolas a 10 year old boy shouted from his room. Nicolas had with a long range machine gunned down several policemen who tried to wreck a gang in the video game 25 to life, a war game where the music heard is the sound of bullets. 

With this game Nicolas feels like a gang member escaping the huts of El Callao. He can even choose the clothing of his personages” a pair of trousers, a cap, boots and “bling bling” jewelry”. “I like blood”, he says innocently. And if there is just 25 to Life there is only one 

option. It doesn’t matter if you are the police or a delinquent, the end is the same: kill. 

When we wrote at the beginning that 132 children would continue to go hungry in 2020 we should have felt “happy” because the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) congratulated itself because it reduced to 25 % the number of malnourished children in the world in the past few years. These are only 146 million! 
28% of these are from Africa, 17% from the Middle East, 15% from Asia, 7% from Latin America and the Caribbean, 5% from Central Europe and 27% from other developing countries. 

It should be noted that child malnutrition is considered a disease. This is not merely a lack of food but affects all the organs of the human body. 

Experts of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Food Program (WFP) and the Permanent Committee of Nutrition of the United Nations and UNICEF have pointed out that although there are efficient treatments, the majority of the inhabitants of poor countries, families have no access to clinics for lack of funds or are because they are far away. 

In the midst of this problem worsened by the lack of official attention, the continued disproportion and virtually impunity of imperial aggressions against small nations the United Nations has stated that Cuba is the only country in Latin America where children do not lack food despite the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by United States imperialism. 

And this without counting on the solidarity that Cuba is offering in so many parts of the world that includes protection of childhood as a fundamental right.

Translated by the Network in Defense of Humanity 

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Cuba USA
