Breaking news from Cuba
Cuba USA

Breaking news from Cuba

"Cuba plans children's video game to promote taxes"

I am not kidding folks........the communist dictatorship of 52 years who have stolen, tortured, imprisoned, and denied the Cuban people...have basically admitted that SOCIALISM really doesn't work and now come up with this gimmick....a video game?

yes, chek this out:

"developing a video game to teach school children the importance of contributing to the public purse"   and   "It is a fun software to help children learn about fiscal policy, because since they were born in a socialist society with some gratuities, they don't have all the elements needed to understand taxes," project director Dagoberto Marino told Reuters in a telephone interview.

I have an idea:

How about arresting those who have committed atrocities....removing the castro mafia brothers from power....and let FREEDOM reign in Cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Unprotected Childhood
By Arnaldo Musa, Source: Cubasí  That 132 million children will go hungry in 2020 about 115 million have dangerous jobs and more than 600 000 are used as canon fodder and are mere figures for those responsible of these crimes and it is disgraceful...

- Are You Kidding Me Department??????
    I had to do a double take after reading this article by Forbes. The title of the article is:  "Fantasize About A World Without Advertising? Try Cuba"  Yes, folks that's the title of the article. ...

- "you Must Open Your Heart"
During the Christmas season many experience a wide array of emotions ranging from sadness to joy! I give thanks to God for the many blessings that I have, but I must admit my attitude this Christmas wasn't all warm and fuzzy. A suggestion that...

- The Dictatorship Is Upset At Video Game That Aims To Kill Fidel Castro?
They are upset at a video game? Where's the outrage when they have ACTUALLY executed people?...

- Video Game Developed By The Youth Computer Club
Che Guevara and Fidel Castro have inspired a Cuban shooter game, Gesta Final Gesta Final is a keyboard operated game developed by a 12-person team directed by Haylin Corujo, head of video game studies for Cuba's Youth Computer Club. It is intended...

Cuba USA
