There are new winds blowing about Cuba in Washington
Cuba USA

There are new winds blowing about Cuba in Washington

By Jorge Wejebe Cobo
Source: Cuba es Surtidor

Former U.S, State Secretary writes, in her book, “Hard Choices” calling on U.S. President Barack Obama to lift the blockade against Cuba considering it counterproductive.
The main argument that Clinton gave the head of the White House was that this measure was no longer good for the United States and does not promote the alleged changes it intended to stimulate in Cuba, according to parts of the work that also covers other controversial subjects of foreign policy.

According to information released Clinton proposes the demolition of the blockade without eliminating conditions nor previous loosening of actions aimed at promoting exchange and strengthening of private initiatives in the Island to boost alleged emergent capitalism that would put an end to the Cuban socialist system; an essential idea expressed in a recent letter to President Obama on May 19 written by high ranking U.S. officials**, including important chiefs of the intelligence community of last decade and businessmen whose proposals do not include the total removal of what they call the embargo..
It seems that reflections and proposals of the possible presidential candidate and important figure of U.S. policy would not be in keeping to deal with tactical subjects or simply does not propose anything new on the blockade and differences with Cuba and taking up a new version already rehearsed by the so called Track 2 that contains the Island and, for obvious reasons, directly learnt by the first lady.

Also the U.S. cannot maintain eternally its back to world condemnation in the U.N. against the blockade that now lasts twenty years leaving this absurd policy isolated against its small neighbor.
Clinton bets that lifting the blockade would leave the Cuban government without a pretext to accuse its powerful neighbor to the north from preventing development of the country and causing an avalanche of alleged values of all kinds of capitalism that would blind the Cuban socialist project. I believe that it would be worthwhile for the current administration to take up the challenge and play it all on this card. Let us hope that at least a move toward truth in relations of Cuba with the White House.

**John Negroponte backs Cuban oligarchs

Translation by the Network in Defense of Humanity
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Cuba USA
