The propaganda is in full gear: "Cuba's squeaky -clean image"
Cuba USA

The propaganda is in full gear: "Cuba's squeaky -clean image"

I open the Miami Herald this morning and on the first page a post titled  " Relaxed travel rules may be test for Cuba's squeaky-clean image."

We are talking about Cuba, a communist dictatorship  police state!!!!!  Executions, political prisoners, beating up the ladies in white on the way to church, and no worries for the American tourist? According to this article you can walk down any street late at night with your gold chains, thousands of dollars in your pocket, and you will not be robbed or killed! Third LOWEST  homicide rate in this hemisphere boasts this drivel.

One tinny, tiny thing.......Cuba DOES NOT REPORT its crime statistics in which this article pointed out!!

It's sickening to see blatant self serving propaganda just to advance specific agendas in regards to travel to Cuba.

- Cuba Frees 3,522 Prisoners Ahead Of The Pope's Visit To Cuba
   The masters of propaganda are at it again and the media is eating it up. The dictatorship in Cuba releases 3,522 prisoners just before the Pope's visit to Cuba. That's all you see in the news in regards to Cuba. NONE of those...

- "castro: Pope Francis So Impressive I Might Return To Church"
Dictator Castro "MIGHT" return to the church, if let's see, the Vatican helps with the removal of the embargo and removing Cuba from the terror list? I hope the Vatican pressed the dictator on: -Stop BEATING up the Ladies in White on the way to...

- "cuba Builds First New Church In 55 Years"
   Communist Cuba building a new church in 55 years, so let me get this straight. This dictatorship has been in power for 55 years and JUST NOW they are building a church, and..... we are supposed to believe this a SIGN that relations...

- Cuba........
The news went from Diana Nyad(Whatever happened to we have crickets chirping on this story???) and now the latest trending frappuccino news story on google and yahoo is: U.S. and Cuba resume talks on direct mail service...

- Are You Kidding Me Department??????
    I had to do a double take after reading this article by Forbes. The title of the article is:  "Fantasize About A World Without Advertising? Try Cuba"  Yes, folks that's the title of the article. ...

Cuba USA
