Cuba frees 3,522 prisoners ahead of the Pope's visit to Cuba
Cuba USA

Cuba frees 3,522 prisoners ahead of the Pope's visit to Cuba

The masters of propaganda are at it again and the media is eating it up. The dictatorship in Cuba releases 3,522 prisoners just before the Pope's visit to Cuba. That's all you see in the news in regards to Cuba. NONE of those prisoners that were released were political prisoners.
The dictatorship now up for sainthood releases the prisoners as a gesture of goodwill, but the political prisoners, dissidents, and the Ladies in White remain under hostage by the dictatorship.

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Pope gets invite to Cuba News is finally creeping out concerning the Cardinal's visit to Cuba. The dictator has invited the Pope to visit Cuba. CB at Killcastro has excellent commentary concerning the Cardinal's visit. I hope that we are wrong,...

Cuba USA
