Cuba USA

Pope gets invite to Cuba

News is finally creeping out concerning the Cardinal's visit to Cuba. The dictator has invited the Pope to visit Cuba. CB at Killcastro has excellent commentary concerning the Cardinal's visit. I hope that we are wrong, but it does seem like the same old song and dance. No mention or release of political prisoners? What about the current hunger strikes? What about the ladies in white?

- "the Catholic Leaders Of Cuba Need To Stand With Their People"
By Derek J. Bekebrede Published: Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Today, Cardinal Jaime L. Ortega, the head of the Catholic Church in Cuba, will speak privately with a group of undergraduates and publicly in the JFK Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics. The...

- Pope Benedict Xvi: Itinerary For Cuba, 2012
Press release of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba with regard to the visit of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI Pope Benedict XVI, having been invited by Cuba’s President Raúl Castro and the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba, has approved...

- Pope To Visit Cuba
Pope Benedict XVI might visit Cuba next spring. This surfer made a 90 ft wave, yet I don't believe the Pope's visit will do anything to"CHANGE" things in Cuba. I hope I am wrong, but history and the catholic church has shown otherwise.(I am...

Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone is scheduled to visit Cuba February 20-26th. Will the Cardinal ask these questions: Freedom for Cuba/Democracy Release all political prisoners Freedom of the press Free elections Freedom of Religion Freedom of association Cease...

Evil Plot Here you have "Tricky Ricky" Alarcon with the President of the Iranian parliament Gholamali Haddadadel. Can you imagine what evil plot their cooking up! The visit is suppose to strengthen bilateral relations, do they mean the beefing up of...

Cuba USA
