The dictator misses the opening of his birthday celebrations
Cuba USA

The dictator misses the opening of his birthday celebrations

The dictator officially missing the opening ceremonies of the birthday "bash." The dictatorcizes must not be working and who knows what the incoherent apartheid dictator will say! Time to blow out the candles concerning the dictator and time to blow out the candles on the apartheid communist system in Cuba!

- Rumor Friday.......
We still don't know if the apartheid dictator is really dead or not. Every Friday El Cafe Cubano will dish out the latest: -The real reason the Adidas wearing dictator can not be seen in public is that he is now obsessed with wearing "I LOVE YOU...

- "chavez Denies Rumors Of Castro Death"
Mini-me chavez said that the apartheid dictator is" writing, and producing." Producing what? Where is the jello pudding mr. oil pimp? The media should just lay down and accept this because YOU said so! The apartheid dictator is already DEAD symbolically,...

- The Dictator Is Not Marching…
The Adidas wearing dictator must be in bad shape. He is telling his fellow thugs to march on! His “reflective”essays in the piece of crap Granma again show us how pompous and selfish this regime has been. THEY don’t care about Cuba nor the Cuban...

- Dictator Cigar Festival
The annual dictator Cigar festival is in full swing again, but a big difference: No appearance from the dictator and possibly no appearance from raulita. No big Hollywood commies or dictator lovers are not expected also? No photo opportunities with the...

- No Politics Here?
Here we have raulita beginning his raulitalization of Cuba. Remember how the apartheid communist government told us that under no circumstances that Elian would be used for political purposes? Remember the gullibility of the media and their eagerness...

Cuba USA
