Pope's visit to the U.S. and Cuba
Cuba USA

Pope's visit to the U.S. and Cuba

The Pope will visit the poor, congress, and those in prison in the United States. In Cuba the Pope will celebrate mass at several locations and perform other functions, but NO VISIT to POLITICAL PRISONERS?

That's right Alfredo! The good CARDINAL stated that their are NO political prisoners in Cuba! So why would he visit the prisons in Cuba?

In honor of NO POLITICAL PRISONERS in Cuba, El Cafe Cubano will run non-stop posts of the NON POLITICAL PRISONERS past and present in Cuba.

Above you will find the NON POLITICAL PRISONER, Esubeio Penalver, who spent 28 years in Castro's dungeons:
(Hey where was the LATINO CLUB during his 28 years???)

Born in Ciego de Avila, province of Camagüey, Cuba, on July 1st, 1936, at the beginnings of 1960 he was on the mountains of Escambray, already having joined the First National Front of the Escambray. He was captured that same year and condemned to 30 years of prison and forced labor, of which he served 28 years.
He suffered the most brutal tortures as a result of continuous harassment for 24 hours a day and seven days a week, as he describes in an autobiographical piece, tortures against which he built a shield of virile resistance, honoring his condition of “plantado”. In a 1999 interview with The Associated Press, he defined a "plantado" as a person who firmly plants his feet while struggling for freedom and democracy in Cuba.
He came to the United States as an exile in 1988, and since then has spent every day and every hour fighting for Cuba’s liberty in Los Angeles, California, through his involvement in the LIBREPROC Association, the World Federation of Cuban Political Prisoners and in Miami, Florida as delegate and president of "Plantados until Freedom and Democracy in Cuba," and also as president of Unidad Cubana (Cuban Union).
Peñalver received love and admiration from his peers and friends because of his chivalry, generosity, frankness, sense of humor, and strength of character to never deviate from what is morally right.
May the soul of Eusebio Peñalver Mazorra rest in the peace of the Lord.

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Cuba USA
