"U.N. torture sleuth says Cuba blocked visit"
Cuba USA

"U.N. torture sleuth says Cuba blocked visit"

"U.N. torture sleuth says Cuba blocked visit".....but...but...it can't be, because according to the illegal  government, their have NEVER been any executions, tortures, or prisoners for political reasons?

Hmm...the picture above is very interesting and I do believe that this involves the castro bandits and a execution?

Cuba denying a visit to the U.N. torture slueth is very interesting? Do you think that Cuba is actually trying to hide the fact...tortures do actually occur in Cuba? (Please no emails...I am being sarcastic here!)

51 years and STILL the investigation continues about the abuses in Cuba....incredible and sad!

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- Pope's Visit To The U.s. And Cuba
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- Why Should I Be Happy?
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- Jimmy Carter Describing Dictator Castro: "old Friend."
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Cuba USA
