Our struggle for Peace. By Fernando Buen Abad
Cuba USA

Our struggle for Peace. By Fernando Buen Abad

Source Rebelión

We cannot accept a peace at the point of a bayonet. It is easy to talk about peace as so often has been said, dressing up in philanthropic sequins the hypocrisy of the bourgeois machines made for violence and death. It is easy to shred our clothes and chant plaintive phrases with tokens of media occasions and “politically correct”. And we all know that capitalism is a system conflicting with Peace. We all know that under capitalism Peace is truly impossible. It is not the same to conquer “truces” that conquers Peace. From its media pulpits capitalism shouts at us its love of death, its passion for destruction, its eternal romanticism with serial warmongering. And they have made it big business.
It is capitalism that funds millions of war films, millions of TV serials soaked in blood and cruelty. It is capitalism that “creates avalanches of murders and rotten televised cruelty in complete shamelessness. Peace has no place in bourgeois mentality because capitalism is violence by definition. The criminal volley of capitalism is also put on screen, disguised as films of “fiction” or “news”, it pays tribute to the ideological stereotype that has its concrete base on a reality of bloodshed that surpasses all fiction. It has no iota of “peaceful” thought.

Since, the discourse of Peace has been “juicy” throughout human History. It has been tried out by the hegemonic powers with arguments of all kinds in which aliens are not absent nor the alleged arbiters. The list of makers of “treaties” for Peace is enormous. With this in mind, the first step towards Peace should be disarming those who attack the peoples with all kinds of weapons, both conventional and non conventional weapons …. and the weapons of ideological warfare (universities, mass media monopolies, churches and bourgeois anti values).

Revolutionaries should be experts in defining and building socialist Peace, without Aristotelian philosophy or sentimentality. Peace does not deserve betrayal of the hypocrites who, in the tables of negotiation, while they talk of Peace, continue to plunder the peoples, continue to exploit the workers, continue to ravage natural resources and continue to finance operations of media coups. We know them very well because ‘by deception we have been dominated more than by force.” ENOUGH!

Not all antiwar struggle is synonymous with Peace. If Peace implies disarming the peoples or denying them the right “to criticize weapons” we are condemning them to repeat terrible errors. What we need is a true fight against imperialist war. Peace for peace’s sake is a dead end whereby the peoples advance towards the ideological dead end with monstrous objective consequences.

All struggles against war (whatever the kind) demands understanding its nature and characteristics. It is a fight that requires a permanent dialectical analysis. No one should ignore that capitalism is a serious danger for the working class and, therefore, the workers should not lower their guard in face of any offensive, objective or subjective, that they suffer every day.

Characterizing war as a capitalist offensive, merely serves to see one of the aspects always used by the charlatans of bourgeois Peace like trick cards against the peoples.

Construction of socialism is not, only “a struggle for peace”.

There are not few high and mighty persons and rich kids of the bourgeois who show off as fighters for “peace” while the large business persons of war prosper because it is big business. Bourgeois pacifism is an ideological toxin that propagates “easily” among the peoples because of the urgency of their suffering, with all kinds of violence, unleashed against them. An analysis and proletarian action with a socialist program for peace is fundamental. It only has sense by granting time, space and concrete conditions to delve in socialism.

All program of peace separated from the working class struggle can merely be very pernicious bourgeois phrasing and sentimentalism to fools the peoples with ridiculous tricks useful to allow the bourgeois to gain time and positions. It is necessary to protect ourselves form word games and mirages that please the reformists and in which, in appearance, they deal with the subjects of “State” to justify “programs of peace” that only masks underhanded businesses and point reconciliations of inter bourgeois struggles. Nothing should distract us in the struggle and in our program of scientific socialism. Any wording of hope for bourgeois “peace” is a trick… true peace only exists when private property and relations of capitalist production ceases to exist.

The great pacifist circus that the bourgeoisie release in media scenarios should not silence the voice of the peoples nor should they silence their critical capacity. The only protection for Peace is to defeat capitalism. It is not the peoples, who build socialism, those who unleash violence. Capitalism is violence per se. It is the socialist and scientific project one of the most accurate and forceful actions to disturb Peace that humanity desires so much and that desire for peace should be done by the peoples and not by their enemies. We revolutionaries should join all initiatives for Peace, go to the mass movements in favor of peace to defend a socialist program and point the way to a solution with revolutionary actions. Because the problem is not Peace, the problem continues to be the need to put an end to capitalism and all wars unleashed to gain control of the natural resources, hand labor and conscience of the peoples.

And to top it all there is bureaucracy, allied to the bourgeoisie that tries to fool the workers trying to pass as theirs a “program of social pacifism”, their business “agreements”. Capitalism must be disarmed of its favorite and supreme weapon: ”private property” and all that it uses to defend it.

The defense of Peace in abstract is always a manner of tricking the working class. Bourgeois propaganda for Peace lacks a revolutionary content. It only serves to inoculate illusions, demoralize the proletariat and fertilize bourgeois philanthropy that is ornaments for diplomatic cocktails of the most belligerent interests. That the idea of Peace is possible, without a socialist content and behind the people’s backs, is a monumental historical lie that cost us very much.

It is not just an idea. A program for socialist Peace should be dictated by the course of history and the class struggle; it should reflect and express the historical necessities of the working class. It should supply live and concrete answers. Socialist Peace does not oppose only war, it does not limit itself from fighting against bourgeois attacks and all the depraved insanity of imperialist barbarity in its mercantile camps of war. The battle against bourgeois pacifism is inseparable from the Battle of Ideas that also should defeat the ideology of the dominant class and all varieties of deceit with which they have defeated us, even, in the worst case, by force. Until we defeat them we will not be at Peace.

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Cuba USA
