Obama, Venezuela and Cuba: The Same Policy
Cuba USA

Obama, Venezuela and Cuba: The Same Policy

by Esteban Morales

Inactual fact, there is nothing inconsistent in the US stating its  intention to restore relations with Cuba, while rolling out an aggressive escalation against Venezuela and going as far as declaring Venezuela an imminent threat to US national security. 
Both actions are part of the same policy, because Obama has not yet taken a strategic decision regarding US policy towards Cuba, only a tactical one.

These are only different tactics to deploy the aggressive US policy. With Cuba he iswilling to do it with the carrot, in the case of Venezuela, with the stick.

Obamais trying to cater to several needs with his attitude toward Venezuela, which seems in contradiction with the position taken toward Cuba.
-Obama is compelled to counter the internal right that opposes the new political agenda toward Cuba.

-Obama is trying to win the hemisphere over into accepting both variants of his policy. Andthus to affect the unity achieved in the case of Cuba, as in that of Venezuela.

-Obamawants to take advantage of the popularity that his attitude toward Cuba has earned him, to drop it on Venezuela.

-Obamais trying to escape the demand of the hemisphere that asked not only that he soften his attitude toward Cuba, but to finally come to terms with the island; and accept it as a definite reality, as the hemispherehas accepted it.

-Obama does not yet accept that Cuba is here to stay. Aswith China whichproduced the "Ping pong war" with the policy of Nixon.

-Obamawants to project an image of strength, which seems to be his favorite option to rebuild hemispheric relations.

-Obama wants to maintain his strategy in the case of Cuba, so that this will also serve his strategic purposes with Latin America and the Caribbean.

Obamaoverestimates his strength to overcome what a setback the loss of its formerly "safe backyard" would mean for the empire. In fact, he has already lost it.

In the struggle now being waged Obama realizes that the losses would be strategic, because other powers playing as opponents, such as China and Russia, are moving quickly to build relationships in the hemisphere that the United States still believes it owns.

However, not even Europe hasgone along on the Venezuela issue. And on Cuba, Europe has its own strategy. Although it resembles strategic intentions of the United States a lot, Europe is trying to play to its 
own advantage, approaching the island with similar intentions, but looking at results that would not be for the United States.

Whathas the US gained with its aggressive attitude toward Venezuela? Losing a war before starting to fight it. Because not even its allies in the hemisphere are willing to enroll in a battle against Venezuela: a battle which is already lost.

Solidarity--one can say global—with Venezuela is working. The US Ambassador to the recent meeting of the OAS looked extremely ridiculous trying to say it had all been a misunderstanding; and practically pulling back the resolution against Venezuela.

Rarely inhistory is a power like the United States seen making a fool of itself as Obama has with Venezuela.

Still, there is a great benefit for all as a result of the aggression of the United States against Venezuela: First, it shows the strength of the changes that are occurring in the former "safe backyard"; second, it shows the inability of the current US foreign policy to meet its objectives. These are facts that may bring relief to some.

ButObama still has the challenge --I would say historic-- for his diplomacy, of proving whether actually it will be able to negotiate with Cuba on an equal footing and with respect for the sovereignty of the Island.

Wecan predict that Obama should expect a real beating in the April Summit in Panama.

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