No outrage from the media, politicians, or the world???
Cuba USA

No outrage from the media, politicians, or the world???

This is from fellow FREEDOM fighter Kill Castro-War Blog :
From the always excellent Penultimos Dias arrives this image proving that Cuba has regressed to the days of slavery under Castro, the Neo-Taino.
In the best tradition of the 18th and 19th Centuries' "rancheadores" this Palestinian cop carries a "cimarron" naked and in irons through el Vedado. Where is the indignation of the Black Caucus, the Pastors for Peace, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Danny Glover, Angela Davis, cop killer Mummia, and so many others, includes the ones who are hiding in the open in Cuba?
Is this humble black man less black and less slave because the slave master happens to be Castro?Now, if you, my dear reader are not offended and your human being dignity is not hurt after seeing this image, you must really be on Castro's side, and he certainly welcomes you.Do not miss the "Oro Negro" tag in the fuel pump. Coincidentally, the slave drivers called their human cargo in their hellish ships like that too: "Black Gold"
Question: Why isn't this photograph in the front page of every American newspaper this morning?Answer: Because the Cuban people is alone. Because the New York Times and Herbert Matthews invented Fidel Castro, and they will first set their newsrooms on fire than condemn their criminal creation.
Note: Feel free to download the photograph and send it to all news organizations, tv channels, religious groups, all your friends and contacts, government officials, and international human rights groups. Let's make it fly around the world.
PS:Why did I call Castro the neo-taino?Because in his last babbling in print he calls Evo an aymara, Ortega a maya, and Chavez - I don't remember what. Castro is according to himself -and to Chavez- Celtic, Taino, Galician, Canario, and who the hell knows what else. That Taino blood comes handy, when the negroes are driven like that to be whipped, right FU... SLAVE MASTER? Whatever his (fake) racial mix is, he's a just a good old plain MF. Nothing short of that.

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Cuba USA
