's all about climate control and Classic Cars in Cuba!
Cuba USA's all about climate control and Classic Cars in Cuba!

 The recent shocking news about Planned Parenthood clinics used to harvest fetal parts here in the US. Since 1973 50+ Million unborn babies have been aborted.

Now in Cuba, which has one of the highest abortion rates in the world.....


I guess CLIMATE CHANGE, and the evil profit is more important to the Vatican?


Classic 1950's cars in Cuba are more important to the American general public, than a disgusting business selling harvested fetal parts?

- He's Alive
The dicatator was seen "ALIVE" recently at a meeting with cheese masters at the Food Industry Research Institute. He discussed food production and climate change.....isn't that special. I guess "climate change" is the new buzzword and now joining...

- "hollywood Insiders Descend On Havana"
That's the problem.....every time their is a article or post about people visiting Cuba, the first picture you get is that of them riding in a "classic" car in Havana and making the obligatory stop at Ernest Hemingway’s former home. Do I...

- Cuba News: T-shirts For Those Traveling To Cuba!
                              El CAFE CUBANO T-SHIRT SALE!!!!!!! In the spirit of the renewed relations...

- Top 10 List Of What To Buy When Traveling To Cuba!!!!
The Conan O' Brien staff can take some pointers on what to buy while in Cuba: 1) El cafe Cubano suggest to barter on this first item. The American public and media are fascinated with all the 1950's car roaming all over the Island. To take...

- "an End To Classic Cars Rumbling Across Cuba?"
I came across this article several days ago and of course I mumbled some vulgarities on how dumb the media is concerning Cuba. I decided not to dwell on it, but something inside of me told me NOT to let this one slide by...... So having classic...

Cuba USA
