He's alive
Cuba USA

He's alive

The dicatator was seen "ALIVE" recently at a meeting with cheese masters at the Food Industry Research Institute.

He discussed food production and climate change.....isn't that special.

I guess "climate change" is the new buzzword and now joining with fellow buzzwords  "Dialogue" and " La Paz."

Here we go......setting up for the Papal visit......It's all about the "CLIMATE CHANGE"

- His Holiness Patriarch Kirill Visited Fidel (photos)
source CubadebateHis Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia made a visit of courtesy, Saturday afternoon, to the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. During the meeting Fidel spoke recognized Patriarch...

- Cuba´s Legal System / Interview From Havana Youtube
Contrary to the stereotyped portrayal in the Western media, the rule of law is alive and well in Cuba. In today's program, host Cristina Escobar interviews Dr. Leonard Perez Gallardo, notary public and professor at the University of Havana School...

- Pacific Climate Warriors Block Coal Ships With Canoes. Photos
Source: the guardianAustralia News A group of protesters from islands across the south Pacific arrived to Australia to block coal exports from the NSW port of Newcastle. They use a small flotilla at the entrance to the world's largest coal...

- La Paz......really?
How many times have we heard from the "FEEL gooders" throwing out the buzzwords like "La PAZ" or dialogue on social media? Somehow by saying these buzzwords just POOF peace will happen? Well, for decades the FARC in Colombia have been terrorizing...

- Happy Birthday Son!!!
Today is a special day... today is my oldest son birthday. All of our kids are so special and we are really blessed to have received these gifts from God! Time is passing away so quickly and he is already 17! Just yesterday we were bringing him home...

Cuba USA
