In the trap of Zunzuneo. A Cuban who signed up for Zunzuneo explains how it worked.
Cuba USA

In the trap of Zunzuneo. A Cuban who signed up for Zunzuneo explains how it worked.

Source: Juventud Rebelde 
By: Yurisander Guevara 

I always wondered why they would send text messages to a mass audience for free. Today I have the answer. The new war against Cuba targets mainly the young. The use of cultural industries’ heavy artillery is their weapon. 

The fact that ZunZuneo has become a new fiasco for those leading the anti-Cuban politics from Washington does not mean that we can easily turn the page. 

I signed up quickly. Amazing how easy it was to get news on my mobile at any time. The site was recommended by a friend who was always "up to date" as he told me once.

It was a simple registration process, with a format similar to other social networks where I already had my profile. I just had to add my cell phone number. I did and after a while I started receiving news headlines of all kinds. I had my ZunZuneo. 

I don’t remember the exact date of my registration. It was between 2011 and 2012. I subscribed to all possible categories of news. And the phone became a nuisance. I received about 25 text messages full of headlines every day. Also, if I added "friends" on the page, I could send text messages to them directly. I could do this with all those I had as “friends”. All for free. 

Among other things, the emerging self-employed sector used ZunZuneo to send their different service offers. One day, the phone did not stop ringing all through the wee hours. I entered the ZunZuneo site from the office the next morning and signed off from almost all categories of news. I kept sports. The text messages diminished; and one day in 2012 --I cannot remember exactly when-- they disappeared altogether. I asked my friend if he was no longer receiving anything. He said he wasn’t and thought that it seemed odd. Days later he told me that the site had closed. 

"Another failed social website”, I thought. Social website? How wrong I was! 

Who said fear? 

The social explosion brought about by the second generation of Internet earlier this century served the world, among other things, to shorten distances in social relations. 

If at first the network of networks became a space to access information, the widespread use of social networks since 2007 with the Facebook phenomenon represented the breakdown of many prejudices about digital anonymity in the interconnected world. 

Thus, people began massively to identify with their real names; millions of photos put faces to their "social profiles"; and the creation of false digital identities was relegated to a second place.

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