II International Conference With All and for the Good of All / A Tribute to José Martí
Cuba USA

II International Conference With All and for the Good of All / A Tribute to José Martí

The world program of activities in tribute to José Martí on the 160th anniversary of his birth opens huge possibilities for contacts and exchanges among personalities of the academy, science, art, culture, politics and social and religious movements that share common concerns in the face of the worsening of the global crisis that endangers the future of our species, as well as the same hope in human improvement and in the usefulness of virtue to face and defeat such threat.

With that purpose of dialogue for the action, the UNESCO sponsors the José Martí Project of International Solidarity, which hereby convokes to the Second International Conference With All and for the Good of All, to be held in the Palace of Conventions of Havana, Cuba, from the 25th to the 28th of January, 2016.

This conclave (the Second International Conference With All and for the Good of All will endeavor to stimulate and systematize the most plural debate of ideas among persons of good will from throughout the world, and place Martí's ideas, profoundly ethical in all its expressions, at the service of the dialogue to create an understanding of the need of policies aimed at targets such as the following:
Eliminate poverty and favor social inclusion in the face of the inhuman practice of exclusion and segregation by races, sex, religion and any form of discrimination.

Foster the capacities of education and culture for the formation of human beings capable of developing fully as individuals in their solidary relation with their fellowmen.
Promote a balance in the relations between societies, and with the ecosystems of which the existence of our species is dependent.
Affirm the ethical importance of the principle of unity against the trend to division and opposition produced by the uncertainty that is proper of a critical circumstance.
Taking into consideration the above, the Second International Conference With All and for the Good of All will bring together men and women of the most diverse trends of thought, institutions and countries with scholars and those interested in the life and work of José Martí who share a common interest in contributing to the building of options for the future, for the good of humankind, sustained precisely on the ethical, solidarity and peace values denied by the development of the crisis that affects us all. With their help, the Conference will broach the problems generated by the globalizing project of modernization in decay, and the options to transform and improve the world in fields such as the following:

The cultural and moral dimension in fields like
The risks and hopes offered by the technological and scientific development, particularly the new information technologies
Access to education and culture for the exercise of basic human rights in the circumstances of the 21st century
Migrations and the cultural dialogue as themes that require being handled deeply and not superficially.
The ethical framework of reference for the social action in the face of the crisis, based on the best contributions of Latin American thought, from Simón Bolívar and José Martí to the most relevant thinkers of the 20th century and of our days.
The social dimension in fields like:
The impairment of the living conditions of both rural and urban workers in all regions of the planet
The role and challenges of the new social movements that emerge from the crisis
The struggle against all forms of discrimination – of gender, race, creed, age and social condition – that legitimize the inequality and criminalize the struggle in favor of social justice
The role of feminine organizations in social transformation. The right of women in society.
The unionist movement and its role in the struggles for a better world under the new conditions created by the global economic crisis
The role of youth, the students and their organizations; their insertion in the processes of change
The religious organizations, ecumenism, its contribution to peace and the earthly world longed for by human beings of good will
The native populations and the ethnical minorities: the need of policies of inclusion and respect in the face of exclusion and marginalization.
Drug consumption and drug traffic: causes, consequences and opposition to that widespread scourge.
The environmental dimension in fields like:
The generalization of the environmental conflicts derived from the transformation of the natural patrimony into natural capital through the appropriation of the essential resources for life in the poorest urban and rural sectors
The unceasing destruction of ecosystems that are vital for the existence of our species
The need to create a different atmosphere through the construction of different societies
The political dimension in fields like:
The fostering of participative democracy as means for the construction of new societies, with all and for the good of all
The struggle for the right to organization, mass communication and the free expression of targets and proposals by the majority sectors of our societies
The need to oppose terrorism in all its forms, particularly those aimed at preventing the participation of all in the discussion and solution of the problems of all
Justice as universal peace value. To respect and valuate International Law, conceived to represent the interests of all peoples of the world and not at the service of the most powerful
The economic dimension in fields like:
The struggle against the attempt to transfer to the rural and urban workers the costs of the crisis generated by the speculative activities of financial capital
The need to imagine and construct new economies based on harmonious relations of human beings among themselves and with their natural environment, which have the aim to allow us to be prosperous in order to be good
The promotion of the integration of the peoples and their States for the construction of solidary regional economies, linked by ties of mutual benefit that ensure common prosperity.
Integration and solidarity in Latin America and the Caribbean. CELAC, ALBA, UNASUR, CARICOM, MERCOSUR as central points of a new America. Possibilities and dangers threatening them.
Each one of these fields and thematic lines, as one may see, can and must be the object of multiple punctual initiatives of development. They will all be welcome.
The work of the Conference will be carried out in commissions and plenary, and comprises in addition the celebration of a Youth Forum, a UNESCO symposium "For a Culture of Nature", a workshop on the patriots and thinkers of Our America and a round table In Defense of Humankind.

The Second International Conference With all and for the Good of All, to be held on the occasion of a new birth anniversary of the Apostle of the Independence of Cuba, will also include a Round Table dedicated to discuss the validity of important works of thought by José Martí such as the essay "Nuestra América" (Our America) and the speeches "Con todos y para el bien de todos" (With All and for the Good of All) and "Los Pinos Nuevos" (The New Pine Trees).

The work languages are Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The forms of participation are: participant and/or lecturer.

The outcome of the debates, as well as the different conferences and presentations will be recorded in digital Memories that, once edited, will be sent – with the support of UNESCO national commissions – to universities, libraries, non-governmental organizations, ministries of education and associations of writers and artists from the different countries. With those purposes, the participants who will dictate conferences are requested to bring a digitalized copy of their conference for the Organizing Committee.

The Second International Conference With All and for the Good of All intends to contribute to create thoughts and actions that allow facing the multiple and complex problems of the 21st century.

We call upon all progressive intellectuals in the world, educators, artists, writers and journalists; all social workers, union leaders, leaders of political parties, of youth, feminine, peasant, native and professional organizations, and upon non-governmental organizations moved by principles of justice and equity; upon universities and other educational, scientific, religious and cultural institutions; upon governments made up by persons of good will, to disseminate the information and participate.in this meeting convoked in the spirit of the thought of José Martí.

Registration Fees

120.00 CUC

70.00 CUC (show evidence)

Accompanying persons
50.00 CUC

Payment may be made online through the event's official website http://www.porelbiendetodos.com or directly on arrival at the Palace of Conventions, at the moment of registration.

In order to be included in the Program, the participants who will lecture must register their work at the Organizing Committee's bureau before November 30, 2015, mentioning the title, information about the author and an abstract of no more than 100 words in Arial 12, specifying what audiovisual facilities are required for the presentation. It is not certain that the abstracts received by the Organizing Committee after this date will be included in the program of the event.

For additional information and in order to establish contact with the Organizing Committee of the event, it is possible to communicate directly through the e-mails
[email protected] ; [email protected] y [email protected]; and also by telefax numbers (537) 833 9818 y/o (537) 836 4756; and telephone numbers (537) 838 2233 / 838 2297 / 838 2298. Or directly at the venue of the Organizing Committee in Calle Calzada No. 803, entre 2 y 4, Vedado, Havana, Cuba. Postal Code 10400.

You may also consult the website http://www.porelbiendetodos.com

Lic. Mireya Mesa Tamargo, Professional Congress Organizer, may also be contacted at: P.O. Box 16046, Havana, Cuba. Telephones (537) 208 6176 / 202 6011 al 19, ext. 1512, and fax (537) 202-8382, or by e-mail to [email protected]. Also you candirectly deal with Mr. Nelson Ramos Mesa, by phone: (537) 206 9808/206 9809 and by e-mail: [email protected]

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Cuba USA
