Declaration of Mariela Castro (Director of the Cuban Center of Sexual Education) in the United Nations meeting on Gender
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Declaration of Mariela Castro (Director of the Cuban Center of Sexual Education) in the United Nations meeting on Gender

Cenesex. - The basic rights of people to decide and assume control over their sexuality and their body, without discrimination, manipulation, coercion or violence was recognized by the international community in Cairo and Beijing twenty years ago.
Sexual and reproductive rights are not new rights inherent to all persons, in the human condition, regardless of class or social status, of age, gender, marital status, migratory condition, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Full exercise of these human rights requires political will to aid inclusive processes of deep social transformation that promotes a critical analysis of models of domination historically imposed by privileged economic groups controlling power and continue using sexuality as a pretext for social control and manipulation of persons according to their hegemonic interests.
These mechanisms have not changed. In the 21st  century that had generated new illusions of progress for humanity there is a continued use of inconsistent and hypocritical discourse to reproduce forms of discrimination and social exclusion that equally affect women and young girls, the poor and elderly , LGBTI, handicapped and young people.
Integral sexual education has been proven to be a recourse for full emancipation of the human being, for his formation as an individual with rights, social participation on the basis of demystifying dominant prejudices that persist in all society. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the State and Governments to develop national programs of integral sexual education, of attention to sexual and reproductive health based on a focus of human rights.
In the Cuban experience, the battle against all forms of discrimination from the emancipative paradigm especially in the achievements of full rights of women, created the proper conditions to approve sexual education as a policy of the State since 1975. Its implementation is the responsibility of the principal social institutions: family, education, health, culture organizations of civil society. A population informed and educated enjoys more freedom to decide with a sense of individual and collective responsibility.
Sexual education is an excellent mechanism for social integration on the basis of justice, equality, social participation and cohesion. The integral education of sexuality as a public policy is of utmost importance to advance towards subjects of population and development after 2014 and in the agenda of development after 2015.
The Montevideo consensus achieved in the First Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean makes me proud as a citizen of the world and constitutes an important referral  to achieve the objectives and goals approved in Cairo to boost the world agenda of Cairo plus 20, to answer to the needs of the peoples to recognize sexual and reproductive rights as human rights.

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