Guardian of the past, murdered for protecting the future
Cuba USA

Guardian of the past, murdered for protecting the future

by Robert Fisk
source La Jornada
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The Isil has killed the guardian of Palmira. The death of Jaled Asaad, tortured for a month and later decapitated for denying to reveal the secret location of the invaluable treasures of the Roman city, has saddened his archeological colleagues.

He was a happy guy. If you wanted to go to Palmira you had to see him. He was the guardian of the past, recalled the Lebanese archeologist, Joanne Farchakh. One felt his passion when he spoke.

He was an old man of 82 and retired for many years; he was in his home when the Isil fell upon Palmira, three months ago. What did the Islamic caliphate want with the old man dedicated to his antiquities?
Undoubtedly not the route of the Roman forum and amphitheater whose ruins he walked with countless foreign archeological equipment for more than half a century to insure, in the words of the archeologist Farchakh that they make no mistake, not interpret poorly the historical facts.

Of course Asaad knew that most of the movable artifacts of Palmira had been moved to comparative security in Damascus (no one could move the Roman city) but Isil believed he knew where other treasures were buried.

After a month the combatants realized that Asaad did not know anything – or would not say anything – so they beheaded the old man and tied his torso to a Roman pillar of the ancient city.

In his long career as a civil servant, Asaad attended archeological conferences in other countries and for that reason alone he deserved the death penalty in the eyes of the puritanical torturers. If one
worked for the Syrian government, regardless of how modest the post, you were a man of the regime.

For months Isil had operated a network of contraband of antiques, selling objects of the Roman past in Syria to international traffickers that usually crossed Turkey. Jaled Asaad was always there and later he was taken hostage, commented Ms Farchakh, “In truth Palmira is the hostage of two wars and two political systems”.

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Cuba USA
