Final Declaration of the Peoples Summit
Cuba USA

Final Declaration of the Peoples Summit

source Granma

We, the Peoples of Our America, gathered in the Peoples, Trade Union and Social Movement Summit at the University of Panama on April 9,10 and 11, 2015, with the participation of over 3,500 delegates representing hundreds of our worker, trade union, campesino, indigenous, student, women’s, social movement and grassroots organizations

We, the Peoples of Our America, gathered in the Peoples, Trade Union and Social Movement Summit at the University of Panama on April 9,10 and 11, 2015, with the participation of over 3,500 delegates representing hundreds of our worker, trade union, campesino, indigenous, student, women’s, social movement and grassroots organizations.

In the framework of a unitary, fraternal and solidary discussion, the participants in conferences and the 15 workshops of the Peoples Summit.

We the Peoples of Our America, express our firm support for the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace and free from colonialism, as was unanimously agreed upon by all the governments of Our America in January 2014 at the Second Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

In this regard, we reject military harassment, aggressions and threats of any kind deployed by the United States and its strategic allies against our region through military bases, operations sites and similar facilities, which in the past four years alone have grown from 21 to 76 in Our America, 12 of them in Panama and we demand that the Neutrality Treaty, which permits U.S. military intervention in the Republic of Panama, be repealed.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Palestine, Mali, the Central African Republic, Syria, Ukraine, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Congo, Mauritania, Libya and Yemen are just some of the latest U.S. military interventions with their resulting deaths and desolation. We do not want this situation for Our America.

We therefore support the statements by the Secretary General of UNASUR requesting the elimination of all military bases in our region of Peace and the affirmation that no country has the right to judge the conduct of another and much less to impose sanctions or penalties of its own accord.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, support the Cuban people and their Revolution, we salute the return home of the five Cuban heroes, a product of international solidarity and the tireless struggle of their people. We demand, along with all the peoples of the world, the immediate and unconditional lifting of the genocidal blockade imposed against the Republic of Cuba by the government of the United States and the immediate closure of the Guantanamo Naval Base without further condition that international law and the United Nations Charter be respected.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, express our unconditional and unwavering support for the Bolivarian Revolution and the legitimate government led by compañero Nicolás Maduro.

As such we reject the unjust, interventionist and immoral Executive Order of the government of the United States which has sought to label the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as a threat to national security and has already earned the unanimous rejection of all countries of Our America.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, reaffirm that Puerto Rico is a Latin American and Caribbean nation, with its own and distinctive identity and history, whose rights to independence and sovereignty are violated by a colonial yoke arbitrarily imposed over a century ago by U.S. imperialism, due to this historic struggle for sovereignty and self-determination for Puerto Rico, many have been imprisoned, among them Oscar López Rivera, as such we demand their immediate release.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, reaffirm our solidarity and hopeful support for the Colombia Peace Talks, which are currently being held between the government of Colombia and the FARC-EP, we request the opening of a similar roundtable with the ELN with the aim of working towards the construction of a process of firm and lasting peace with social justice. We welcome the steps taken by various governments to facilitate the success of this process.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, reiterate our permanent and unconditional support for the Republic of Argentina in its efforts to recover the Malvinas Islands, as well as our support for the Plurinational State of Bolivia in its just and overdue aspiration for its own access to the sea. We demand the immediate withdrawal of the occupation troops in Haiti, an act that will allow for its self-determination. We demand from the government of Mexico that the 43 student teachers forcibly disappeared in Ayotzinapa be returned alive.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, express the imperative of the construction and consolidation of a new society, with social justice and gender equality, with the active participation of young people and different social actors, with solidarity as an essential principle for the integral and sovereign development of our peoples. Today in Our America there continue to exist lackeys of imperialism who attempt to sustain and impose the neoliberal model as the solution to the problems and needs of our people, a model that has proven to be the most effective known instrument for deepening poverty, misery, inequality, exclusion and the inequitable distribution of wealth.

Given this situation we declare and call to fight and defend our natural resources, biodiversity, food sovereignty, our common property, Mother Earth and the defense of the ancestral rights of indigenous peoples, our achievements and social rights. The fight for jobs, dignified work and salaries, social security, pensions, collective bargaining, trade unionizing, the right to strike, freedom of association, occupational health, economic and social rights, respect for migrants and people of African descent, the eradication of child and slave labor, justice with gender equity.

All this is, and will be possible, if we work in unity and with the objective of building a correlation of forces for the replacement of the ruling power bloc with a social and political one that defends the interests of our peoples.

Ten years after the defeat of the FTAA, we reaffirm our struggle against the new forms of free trade agreements, the FTA, TPC, TISA, and Pacific Alliance. We also continue to maintain that our countries' foreign debt is irrecoverable and unpayable as it is illegitimate and immoral.

We, the Peoples of the Americas, welcome the integration processes that prioritize the self-determination and sovereignty of our peoples, processes such as ALBA and CELAC, processes that have strengthened Latin American unity. We believe it is necessary to complement these processes with the participation of social, labor, and grassroots organizations, to foster further integration from and for the people.

April 11, 2015

Panama City, Panama

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Cuba USA
