Final declaration of the Hemispheric Meeting in Havana, Defeat of the FTAA, after 10 years
Cuba USA

Final declaration of the Hemispheric Meeting in Havana, Defeat of the FTAA, after 10 years

We the popular movements and social organizations of the region, representatives of the native peoples, women, farmers, union members, young people, students, communicators, afro descendents, religious peoples, intellectuals and artists have met in Havana between November 20 to 22, 2015, ten years after the defeat of the FTAA to celebrated this victory of the peoples of the continent that demonstrates our enormous capacity to unite and win.
About ten years ago we met in a continental campaign of the entire region with a great diversity of forces and actors, from Alaska to the Tierra del Fuego in a commitment for common action that gave rise to the battles and mobilizations. Today we are met her to celebrate that historic victory, ours accumulating all these years and strengthen to continue moving forward. 

This is a key moment for the continent. Imperialism reconstructs its strategy of domination that represents a large offensive of capital, of the advances of free trade, the power of the transnationals that violate our sovereignty in one direction that includes the military, cultural and media in which the monopolies of the mass media have an alienating role and of control.

The re articulation of the right wing threatens political and social conquests, the result of a long process of popular battles. The defense of democracy and process of transformation of the region is fundamental.

It is of utmost importance to strengthen the struggle and protagonism of the popular movements, of social organizations and our alliances for social transformation for the exercise of our rights, extend our conquests and deepen democracies.

Facing the systemic capitalist crisis, they reorganize initiatives for a larger concentration of wealth. They accelerate and retake the processes of financing like a mechanism to deepen the debt and domination, pressuring the signing of treaties of free trade and investments and other forms of colonization they pursue implying a loss of sovereignty of the peoples in favor of the interests of the large capital. 

One of these forms is expressed in the new frameworks of the financial and commercial architecture that increases impunity of capital such as the Transpacific Agreement (TPA), the Bilateral Treaties of Investment (BTI), the Agreement on Trade and Services (ATS), the Transatlantic Association of Commerce and Investments (TACI); Economic Global Agreement with Canada and Europe (EGACE); Plan for prosperity and International Center to solve Differences Related to investments (CSDI). The popular and social mobilization continues to be our main strength to confront this strategy. In this sense we celebrate the recent victory over the TISA in Uruguay. 

The capitalist system organizes its logic around a model of production, reproduction and extra active consumerism; it is a depredator of nature; promoting an overload of work of women and exploits the labor force. Also it has an impact on our sovereignties, promotes institutional frameworks that advance towards mercantilism and plunder of our territories, privatization of common goods, sustains agendas that threaten the democratic processes and social conquests we must defend. We do not accept that peoples should pay for this crisis and will mobilize against the loss of rights of the workers. We need to strengthen popular protests against the actions of the transnationals and capital.

We acknowledge that integration of the peoples is a fundamental project to build our alternatives and pass to an offensive against the crisis imposed on us by the dominant model. The steps taken in the changes of Mercosur and the policy and integration have led to the creation of UNASUR, ALBA and CELAC that broadens the road towards a true integration. We must defend these processes and dispute in them popular sense and participation. The concretion of an historical project depends on the protagonism of popular movements in these environs.

We ratify our condemnation of coups, occupation and growing military presence in the region. Equally we condemn the criminalization of legitimate social protest. We demand the withdrawal of foreign military bases in our territory and support the proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a region of peace.

Peace with social justice in Colombia is peace for the continent. We support the ongoing dialogues as a central contribution towards peace. We demand the withdrawal of MINUSTAH troops from Haiti considering it a colonial practice in our territories.

For this purpose we have had frank debates that we acknowledge as axes that generate of possible base for a broader articulation, diverse and plural:

The battle against free trade and transnationals, the deepening of democratic processes and defense of sovereignty; the integration to arise from the peoples.

During these times communication as a process for collective construction is an experience and accumulation of strengthening our struggles to dispute hegemony. It is of key importance to continue strengthening the processes of training, education and popular consultation to extend and democratize the debates we need as a people and connect resistances in territories with a diversity of regional articulation that exist today.

Solidarity as a daily practice is a principle of unity and continues to be our main articulating axis of struggle.

We leave Havana strengthened by our meeting with a common agenda that commits all of us to continue adding efforts to consolidate the processes of broadening a diverse and plural basis.

We agree to retune to our countries to deepen debates and continue adding efforts and generating spaces for encounters.

We call for a meeting in Havana to give continuity to the realization of these Hemispheric Meetings in search of an articulation of joint battles in our region.

We call on everyone to a joint battle against free trade and transnationals on November 4, 2016. We shall have a day of struggle and mobilization that allows another step to strengthen joint action.

We thank the Cuban people that continue to resist the US blockade and its organizations that once again have called on us. From here we leave with renewed strength and convinced of the justice of our struggle and our possibilities of walking and building together.

La Habana, Cuba, November 22, 2015

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Cuba USA
