Cuban President supported the compensation demand of CARICOM to colonial powers for suffering the horrors of slavery
Cuba USA

Cuban President supported the compensation demand of CARICOM to colonial powers for suffering the horrors of slavery

source Prensa Latina

Cuban President Raul Castro endorsed, likewise, the demand of the region of receiving cooperation in accordance with its real situation and needs, and not on the basis of statistics of revenue per capita that consider them to be simplified as countries of average revenue and exclude flows of indispensable financial resources. 

After inaugurating today the 5th Summit of the mechanism Caricom-Cuba, in the Palace of the Revolution, he affirmed that there is unavoidable the commitment to contribute to the reconstruction and development of Republic of Haiti.

Latin America and the Caribbean have a deep gratitude debt, because that was the first revolution of the area, he pointed.

The president-host, was grateful for the vertical historical position of respect and solidarity of the nations of the Caribbean with Cuba, which it is evident in the support to the resolutions of United Nations against the blockade of the United States.

Also it meant the demand of the region for the exclusion of this island from the US State Department list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

After he concluded his presentation, he proposed to the participants in the meeting to exchange ideas and viable proposals for the development of the regional cooperation with the intention of strengthening and diversifying the exchange and advancing towards the essential political, economic and social integration.

We have this urgent duty with our peoples, he pointed.

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