Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission: Relic of the Bush era?
Cuba USA

Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission: Relic of the Bush era?

by Jorge Wejebe Cobo
source EL Surtidor
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

During the close of 2005 the recently appointed general director of intelligence of the U.S., John Negroponte (one of the CIA officials still alive with more experience in subversive action and intelligence acquired in the first operations against Cuba, during the Vietnam war, the coup against President Allende in 1973 and the war in Central America and Nicaragua in the 1980 decade and lately in Iraq and Afghanistan) – established the Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission since it is a subject of interest for United States national security.
It was the time when a process of Latin American integration was at its peak under the Bolivarian initiatives, led by the Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez in alliance with Cuba and the revolutionary and progress movements in Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina that seemed the continent, (using terms of the U.S. intelligence community was “leaning dangerously towards the left”.

During the 21st century the Island renewed its challenges to the strategies of its powerful neighbor, no longer alone like in 1990 when the USSR and the socialist camp were history and seemed that in the coming years neo liberalism would be the guideline after “the end of history “advocated by the investigator and official of the Department of State, Francis Fukuyama who with more media certainty of the term than with scientific rigor of his forecasts.

Since then Cuba and Venezuela are in the double crosshairs in the line of fire of the U.S. under the same “management mission”.

Also there existed a tradition associated to the survival of the Cuban Revolution, first by the Soviet support during the Cold War and Venezuelan mainly its oil production that guaranteed fuel for Havana at just prices and conceptually in exchange for services.

For John Negroponte and his collaborators the defeat of Chavism additionally signified an end to the new source of economic support of the Island in the 1990s during the “special period”.

Researcher Eva Golinger, published U.S: The ambush against Venezuela, written before the defeat of Chavism in the parliamentary elections of December 7 2015 expressed:
“The first person in charge of the Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission was the CIA veteran, Norman A. Bailey, an expert on intelligence tactics and strategies during the Cold War. But Bailey only lasted a year and upon departing said the office was almost abandoned and lack of resources or staff. However, the new appointee, Timothy Langford with more than 25 years of clandestine services of the CIA to reorganize and again activates the Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission”.

According to this researcher, another ultra secret document partially declassified in 2009 reveals a strategy of that program to develop analyses on the transitions of leaders” with special reference to the Plan of Transition toward Democracy for Cuba and the initiatives to overthrow the Government of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela.

It specifies that “for 2011” the Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission still existed although information of its operations and activities since then were totally secret”.

Soon it will be the first anniversary of the joint declarations of the presidents of Cuba and the U.S. that ended 18 months later secret conversations between both countries and the announcement of the imminent reestablishment of diplomatic relations and the continuity of contacts to completely normalize the ties, including the heave problem of the U.S. economic blockade of the Island.

Important steps have been taken this year on subjects of bilateral interests with the opening of the respective embassies in Havana and Washington and Cuba was eliminated from the list of countries that support terrorism. As a result many visitors of the political and commercial, as well as cultural personalities have visited Havana. etc.

Also this process has had an important media impact often with a wrong image that with the opening of both embassies, the meeting between the presidents on the differences between both nations ended on the morning.

However, the blockade is maintained unchanged in its essential parts and more damaging, the financial, the prohibition of travelling freely of US citizens to the Island and in the recent UN assembly in which the US administration and its ally, Israel again voted in favor of maintaining these punitive actions.

Meanwhile Venezuela the comrade of the Island in the priority of U.S. intelligence since the already far 2005 suffers a cruel economic war and subversion complimenting its own errors and revolutionary deficiencies. Now after the defeat of the parliamentary elections of December 7 increases the dangers for the left in the Bolivarian Revolution, for all the left wing forces and additionally has a strong impact on the relations of collaboration between Cuba and Venezuela.

It should be taken into account the weight of subversion in this circumstance and the right wing support by the U.S. intelligence community that also included the private business system to cover a large part of distribution of food to the people and often caused absence of provisions and hoarding.

Also the reactionary and intact press and officials with complete freedom for 13 years, many in spite of having supported the coup of 2002 were also part of this conspiracy.
In addition Venezuelan civilian society seemed to be a relatively easy scenario for actions of the NGO programs and institutions with fronts of special US services and its allies that have been systematically accused by the researcher Eva Golinger and other intellectuals in books and many articles in the past few years.

This complex network of added errors of the revolutionary sectors and results of the plans of destabilization is an evident advance towards the old goals of the Cuba-Venezuela Management Mission of 2005.

This initiative contrasting the spreading of misinformation had at the beginning, in the past few years imposed a sort of “information blackout” as the original strategy of the program and only occasionally referred to the initiative was almost abandoned.

If following the routine analysis limited by a short memory, it seems that the plans for Cuba and Venezuela designed in Washington have taken a different course and also under different circumstances of the Management Mission for both countries is a heritage of the previous right wing administrations of George Bush and only useful as a best seller of the memoires of the old John Negroponte and who they say in the old films any similarity to true histories is simply coincidence.

However, there will be many who confronted by the facts are convinced that it is not necessary to rely on any conspiratorial theory to foresee the hypothetic defeat of the Venezuelan Revolution an ideal complement of the new tactic applied against the Island by the followers of Negroponte and his teachings with the “glamour” of the so called “intelligence power” of influence to achieve the same failed violent objectives for more than half a century and ten US administrations.

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