Cuba, Palestine and the reason for applause
Cuba USA

Cuba, Palestine and the reason for applause

by Iroel Sánchez
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

One of the moments most applauded was the speech delivered by the Cuban president Raúl Castro in the high level 70th period of sessions of the UN General Assembly when he strongly gave support to the real exercise of the inalienable right of the Palestinians to build their mown State inside borders established prior to 1967 with its capital in Jerusalem east”.

The evolution of Israeli territory at the expense of the theft of land of the Palestine Evolution.

The Cuban position only demands the compliance of international legality and abided by Resolution of 242 of the Security Council of the UN that demands Israel to withdraw from Gaza, the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem and retake the borders prior to the “Six Days War” in 1967 and the 478 of 1981 of the same institutions that “censures energetically” the violation of international right of proclaiming by Israel a “whole and unified” Jerusalem as its capital.
But in this upside down hypocritical world, we have reached the point in which saying the truth and having memory deserves to be applauded and generate admiration more when we have been accustomed to bend in exchange of the left overs and others – the strongest – tend to impose conditions expecting all to accept.

The permissiveness of the western powers of the constant assassinations of Palestinians and the violation of Human Rights and the cloud built by the media and culture industry that constantly presents the victims of this conflict as murderers, having made this the norm – the demand for compliance of international law and proclamation of the truth, openly – is extraordinary.

Of the Palestinians almost all has been said from the statement they don’t exist (Golda Meir, 1969), to say they breed like the rabbits.
Thanks to the newscasts, series and films in the West, Palestinians have been made synonymous of being terrorists, with a common class inversion described by Alfonso Sastre who calls the war on terror of the rich and terrorism the war (of resistance against it) of the poor.
If we don’t watch the videos in which Vietnam won the war against the United States, what is the case of the Palestinians who have only accumulated defeats and plunder for more than 60 years?

Hitler treated the Europeans as colonial peoples and that is the reason for his rejection by the elites who have done the same for centuries with the original inhabitants of Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The process that has allowed the attempt of premeditated extermination of a people, the degradation and poverty of the conditions of life lasted more than a thousand years in the historical manipulation with their best instruments.

It was not the Arab world that gave rise to anti Semitism. As conceived in its origins by Theodore Herzl, Zionism was proposed to fight anti Semitism in the western world and later establish a territory for the Jewish Diaspora. They studied several areas of Western Africa and South America. Then the Palestinian option
appeared, less inhabited and in the hands of the Ottoman Empire. A skilful but falsified slogan – “A land without people but a people without land” – launched by the British journalist of Jewish origin, Israel Zangwill during the early 20th century hid the fact that in the 25 000 square miles of Palestine inhabited a million persons,90% Arab.

A century before, in the early 19th century there were less than 24000 Jews in the territory, according to historical sources. It was a place predominantly Arab and Islamic since the 7th century. But it was the place chosen: in the hands of a decadent empire it also offered a scenario for an alliance written in the Old Testament between Jehovah and the Jews that called on divine intervention the theft of that land.

Even, later under British mandate – as of 1918 – Jewish emigration was stimulated, prior to the proclamation of Israel in1948 in which the Jews were merely a third of the population.
In 1917 the Declaration of Balfour issues a letter from the British government to Lord Rothschild agreeing to “see a favorable establishment of Palestine as the national home of the Jewish people”.
Ignored were the inhabitants of that Promised Land by the occupying power of a foreign nation.

But it was not only the British. In the words of Balfour, then British Foreign Affairs minister, in August of 1919*:

“The four large powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism whether right or wrong, good or bad is rooted in an ancestral tradition, in the need today of a future hope and of deepest desire and prejudice against the 700 000 Arabs that now inhabit that ancient land”.

However, as documented by Edward Said, what the press released everywhere was not the resistance of the native population against the Jewish settlers of Zionism stimulated by the British policy of increasing the Jewish population from 1.5% a year in 1922 to an average of 9% between 1922 and 1947 but for an alleged lack of British
support of Jewish penetration in Palestine since 1939 in a media that never reported the voice of the majority population of that land.

The receptivity of international public opinion after the Nazi holocaust against the Jewish people put to rest the division of Palestine agreed upon by the UN by which the Israeli State was granted half of the territory with a special statute for Jerusalem. The wave of terror that accompanied this division with Zionist paramilitary groups during which, in barely 6 months on the Israeli side only 140 000 of the 900 000 thousand Palestinians originally resident there were left. The word “refugee” and “displaced” has accompanied the Palestinians since then.

The role of Israel as the US gendarme in a strategic region for its geopolitical centrality and abundant energy resources as well as the divisions in the Arab world have left with impunity the violence of Zionism in power that has decided to ignore the resolutions of the United Nations with successive expansions that have made the
Palestinians pariahs in their own land They inhabited or still inhabit in absolutely precarious conditions.

In face of this drama of the Palestinian people, European institutionalism has demonstrated that its functioning is not democratic. In spite of the fact that the European Parliament and many national parliaments have recognized the Palestinian state in very disadvantageous conditions limited to Gaza, the West Bank. Their governments have refused to act in synchrony with policy of their main military and economic ally of Israel: the United States.
Meanwhile a day never goes by without the news that a Palestinian has been killed by Israeli weapons.

From this new America, in which the countries of ALBA who led their true and second independence with democracies questioned by western dogma but where the peoples have voice there is the voice of solidarity with Palestine. Cuba, an essential part of that reality, in contrast to Europe has not given anything to the United States in its foreign policy. In spite of the process of opening up in December 17 of 2014 far from turning her back to one of the historical demands, repeats it: for there to be peace in the Middle East there must exist a Palestinian state within the borders prior to 1967 and with its capital in Eastern Jerusalem.

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Cuba USA
