Compare Cuban migrants with Syrian refugees and relate to Colombia
Cuba USA

Compare Cuban migrants with Syrian refugees and relate to Colombia

by Jose Manzaneda
source La Pupila Insomne
translation Cuba _ Network in Defense of Humanity 

That the US is carrying out massive raids to deport Central American migrants is hardly news. There are now two and a half million persons deported during the Obama administrations. Last year the number was
462 000; 1 265 a day .

What is – in contrast – repeated by the international news services? The situation of about 7 000 Cuban migrants, stranded in Costa Rica, who have been helped with a travel waiver, comfortable and safe to reach the US. There lies the difference with the rest of the migrants –; they are taken in: receive social aid, papers and residence through the so called Law of Cuban Adjustment that automatically considers them “political refugees 

The cynicism of this double migratory standard by Washington is still more evident when even the United Nations institutions considers these persons economic migrants.This was reported by Roeland de Wild on CNN. He is the Head of the International Organization of Migrants:
“The government of Cuba has repeated a number of times that the Cubans who left legally can continue travel freely and will continue to do so to achieve their objectives: they are economic migrants.
Nothing prevents the Spanish daily,”El Pais”, to consider them as refugees of America”, a recent title of an editorial that politicizes once again Cuban emigration: it is “proof” it said that Castro should take steps to open the regime” in policies of human rights”. This language typical of Miami journalism contrasts the sensible tone of its United States newspaper, “the New York Times” that acknowledged the privilege for the Cuban migrants “as an absurd policy and demands its repeal.

But that is not enough. “El Pais” compared Cuban emigration with that of Syrian refugees in Europe. This nonsense was repeated and extended in other publications such as “Semana” in which we read: “a crisis of
refugees (like one in Syria) also exists in Latin America and its origin is Cuba. The nonsense is even worse if we consider that it is reported in a Colombian journal – that according to ACNUR – 413 000 persons requested asylum for political persecution  and is the second in the world with the largest number of internal displaced persons that reaches the figure of 5 million.

A similar situation is observed in the press of El Salvador. The “Diario de Hoy” gathered impressions of certain Cuban migrants who, to reach the US had to “sell their houses” and pointed to the difference between the image of the “tourist paradise” of their country and conditions of life of the population. This could have been said by any Central American migrant. However, this did not prevent the daily to title its report “While in the government of Castro people continue to leave Cuba” and tells us – we recall – a daily in El Salvador, a country that has suffered neo liberalism for three decades and despite strong US investments has 2.5 million persons in the US; 39% of its population. Cuba, blockaded and without investments has – on the contrary 12 million migrants in the US, only10, 7% of its population.

In articles published in several Miami and Latin American newspapers, the well known anchor of Univision the Mexican Jorge Ramos Ávalos defended – incredibly – the privilege of being a Cuban migrant:
“There are Mexicans and Central Americans who complain – he said – that the United States treats the Cuban refugees in a different manner (…) But I think they should continue to be protected until the Cuban
dictatorship disappears. And added – the Cubans are fleeing by what any means possible they can from their country. This report is signed – remember – by the Mexican journalist, a country that has 34 million migrants in the US.

Lastly, there is a question that no media addresses – it seems – they want an answer: “Why don't the Cuban migrants fly directly to the US from their country since – as proven before – they have money to do so? And the answer would blow up the complete cynicism of the White House: because most were refused entry visas to the US.. Of about 300 requests a day, their Embassy in Havana grants less than 50 visas: one
of every 6 requests  But if these persons cover 5 500 kilometers, pay thousands of dollars to coyotes and risk their lives to enter illegally into the US then yes, they are branded the status of “refugees” and are granted residence. It is mind blowing, Machiavellian and Kafkian, just like the information we recieve.

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Cuba USA
