Bolivia towards another re election of Evo Morales
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Bolivia towards another re election of Evo Morales

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Evo Morales has far exceeded his right to a re election since few president in history have fulfilled their promises, done so much with so little time for his peoples and defeated with equal valor all the battering of the imperialists.

It is not by chance that the main movements and social organizations of the Plurinational State of Bolivia called for his re nomination together with his capable vice president, Álvaro García Linera. For this, they proposed to the Legislative Assembly – and it agreed – that a constitutional reform be consulted to the electors in a referendum next February 21. If approved the Bolivian leader will continue for a third mandate that would conclude in 2025, date in which the Patriotic Agenda proposes to eradicate extreme poverty and universal rights to public services.
Evo was reelected the second time in October last year with more than 61% of votes and submitted to a revocation referendum in 2008 which he won with 67%.

How many presidents can hope for this popular support?
Before Evo reached the presidency (2006), a small oppressed minority were denied the right to live with respect of their ancestral and traditional Aymara, Quechua culture and that of other ethnic and intercultural peoples that represented the majority of the population.
The public companies created by the revolution of 1952, a national pride, had been privatized by the neo liberal governments through scandalous dealings of the oligarchy with the transnational institutions.

The nationalization of the hydrocarbons and redistribution of its profits made possible for Bolivia, last year, to reduce poverty by 25% and extreme poverty by 50% as well as raising the minimum salary by 87,7%. The health budget that in 2005 was 195 million increased in 2012 to 600 million with an important reduction of infant and maternal mortality. Up to 2012 Cuban doctors gave free of charge 58 million consultations, attended 33 thousand births and 134 thousand operations (not including eye operations) and 650 thousand patients were restored sight through Operation Miracle, a figure that continues increasing with the participation of hundreds of Bolivian doctors graduated in Cuba. A large part of the population learned to read and right in Spanish and languages of the ethnic peoples and basic schooling is almost universal. The country marches towards industrialization of the hydrocarbons and the economy grew 5,2 percent last June the same as in 2015.

Environmental friendly comfortable aerial tramway substitute largely car transportation and connects more barrios in La Paz with the important populations of El Alto.

An emblematic characteristic of the Evo government has been the intransigent defense of national sovereignty expressed constantly in government events since nationalizing national resources and the recovery of privatized public companies to a foreign policy that has not given in to imperialism “not even a bit”. That includes the intelligent and patriotic diplomatic battle for Chile to return to Bolivia a sovereign land connecting sea that was taken in 1883 during a war of financed by England that stole that land.

Bolivia cannot consider doing without a leader of the stature of Evo Morales just to please the neo liberal invention of an “alternative” and receive a certificate of good conduct from Washington and the local oligarchy. An “alternative” is a scam. It implies periodic changes of mediocre governments servile to Washington; usually young persons from the elites whose images have been manufactured like toothpaste by publicity teams and dominant television monopolies divorced from the battle and demands of the population.

Franklin Roosevelt would have governed 16 years had he not died prematurely. Helmut Kohl lasted that many years. Felipe González did not surpass 14years because he lost to Aznar. Merkel has been governing since 2005 and will continue until 2020 at least. They are considered champions of democracy of a dominant culture.

Why them and not a revolutionary Aymara?
It is not a whim to re nominate Evo to govern until 2025. It is a need for Latin American-Caribbean independence.A leader such as he arise only in conjuncture situations of history.

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