Betrayed again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cuba USA

Betrayed again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From the Drudge Report:

Alan Gross is released for 3 Cuban spies........

USA to release three Cuban spies...
'Normalize' relationship with Castro...
Shockwaves through Miami exile community...
Protest In Little Havana...
'Traitor, traitor'...
Travel Industry Eyeing Cuba Tourism...
RUBIO: 'Terrible setback for the oppressed'...
Dem: Rewards 'brutal behavior'...
Pope Heavily Involved...
Secret talks in Canada, Vatican City...

- "castro: Pope Francis So Impressive I Might Return To Church"
Dictator Castro "MIGHT" return to the church, if let's see, the Vatican helps with the removal of the embargo and removing Cuba from the terror list? I hope the Vatican pressed the dictator on: -Stop BEATING up the Ladies in White on the way to...

- Sperm Diplomacy....a Sticky Situation
Out of the WTF department, we are now finding out, that one of the convicted Cuban spies that was released was given the "special treatment" and allowed to donate sperm(from prison)to his wife, who is also in the espionage business. I...

- Switcharooney
The dictatorship in Cuba now wants a "deal" to swap American Alan Gross, who is currently held in jail by communist Cuba, for the Cuban spies currently in jail in the U.S. Straight for the commie playbook!!!! Click here for the story....

Hunger Strike As most of you know by now the 15 balseros were returned today. Again we should be incensed about the lack of media coverage. Can you believe this crap: "The `bridge' is kind of a misnomer,'' said Coast Guard Lt. Commander...

- Summing Up Recent Events
I put this list of recent posts on Alan Gross and the future of the Internet in Cuba for my other blog. They are in chronological order, beginning with a November 11 post asking whether Gross was about to be freed: Where there is smoke, there is fire...

Cuba USA
