Cuba USA

Hunger Strike

As most of you know by now the 15 balseros were returned today. Again we should be incensed about the lack of media coverage. Can you believe this crap:

"The `bridge' is kind of a misnomer,'' said Coast Guard Lt. Commander Chris O'Neil, spokesman for the department's Southeast region. "

Now to top off the the day, we have news about the "spies who hated us. " Gosh what a surprise! if they really looked hard, they would find out the dictator has spies all over the place. Let's see, someone at FIU invites Victor Dreke to speak in the heart of the exile community, and nobody bothers to question this? Could it be these two? A hint: Maybe those organizations that praise the dictator, that make visits, and who bring so -called help while denouncing the U.S., you'd think they should investigated for possible spies. I don't know, call me stupid or Inspector Clouseau.

- "missing U.s. Missile Shows Up In Cuba".....a Job For Inspector Clouseau!
A U.S. Hellfire Missile that was sent to Europe for "training purposes" is somehow in Cuba? We must get Inspector Clouseau on this case at ONCE, after reading this: "federal investigators have been tracing the paper trail of the wayward Hellfire to...

- Betrayed Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the Drudge Report: Alan Gross is released for 3 Cuban spies........ USA to release three Cuban spies... 'Normalize' relationship with Castro... Shockwaves through Miami exile community... Protest In Little Havana... 'Traitor, traitor'......

What the f....! What the f... is going on on? Guillermo Farinas on a hunger strike and the MSM basically ignores the strike and his basic principles. A reporter investigating about the Cuban rafters gets the crap beaten out him and do you see any mention...

Media Silence Many of the bloggers have commented on the lack of media coverage concerning the hunger strike. Where are Lucia Newman, Wolfman Blitzer, and all the so called journalist? OOPs, I forgot, freedom loving Cuban-Americans are not news worthy....

Spies Who Hate Us All those who still believe that espionage is a thing of the past, what do think about the latest roundup? Juan Clark, a sociology professor at Miami-Dade College, nails it: "Maybe this is just the tip of the iceberg that we're...

Cuba USA
