Barack Obama has enough margins to maneuver to make the United States Congress end some economic sanctions
Cuba USA

Barack Obama has enough margins to maneuver to make the United States Congress end some economic sanctions

by Salim Lamrani
source Opera Mundi 
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Barack Obama has enough margins to maneuver to make the United States Congress end some economic sanctions that have been rejected by a large part of the international community and has isolated the United States from Latin America. The Cuban people as also the U.S. people would be the main beneficiaries of a re establishment of normal economic, trade and financial relations between both nations.

Since 1996 and the adoption of the Helms-Burton Law the United States Congress is the only one that can lift the siege against Cuba. But president Obama can force it to do so…. 

Since the adoption of the Helms-Burton Law in 1996 –a legal aberration for its extraterritorial and retroactive character that aggravates economic sanctions against the Cuban people – the President of the United States has the executive faculty to end the economic, anachronic, cruel and counterproductive siege – according to Barack Obama’s own words. In fact, only Congress can put an end to that hostile policy condemned by the majority of the international community, U.S. opinion, the Cuban community in Florida and above all United States business.
The United States Chamber of Commerce that represents most business in the world and close to three million companies called on politicians, both in the Government and Congress to adopt a new policy towards Havana.

According to its president, Thomas Donahue, “It is time to eliminate the political barriers established a long time ago and erase our differences. The American people and companies are in favor of this”.

In Obama’s historical speech on December 17 2014 announcing the reestablishment of relations with Cuba broken fifty years ago he called on congress to choose a new direction towards Havana. “I call on Congress to open a serious and honest debate about lifting the embargo”, Obama declared.

The solution? Authorize regular Tourism 

Actually President Obama has enough legal means simply to enforce an end to the economic siege that affects Cuban society in all fields and sectors and is the main obstacle for Development in the Island. Just allowing U.S. citizens from travelling to Cuba as regular tourists. They can travel to any country around the world, even China, Vietnam or North Korea but the Government does not allow them to discover the Island in the Caribbean.

Breaking the barrier that separates both peoples Barack Obama would allow, according to estimates, that more than a million U.S. citizens would travel to Cuba in the first year. This figure surpasses the five million persons a year after five years since Cuba is a natural destination for evident historical and geographic reasons. Thus an enormous market would open up to U.S. air transportation companies, the transportation industry or travel agencies without mentioning the other sectors linked to massive tourism.

Today only 90 000 U.S. citizens – not counting the Cuban Americans – visit Cuba for professional, academic, cultural, humanitarian or athletic reasons with licenses granted by the Department of States.

A massive flow of tourists to Cuba would be beneficial for the Cuban economy whose resources largely depend on that sector but also for the U.S. economy. In fact, U.S. agriculture farmers would be the large winners with the beginning of tourism between both nations. This is required to feel the millions of new visitors since Cuba imports most of its food raw materials.

With the authorization of ordinary tourism towards Cuba, the world of business would pressure Congress since their political career largely depends on private funds received from companies to definitively end the economic sanctions against Cuba depriving it of a natural market of 11.2 million inhabitants and potentially10 million tourists from all around the world. In fact, Cuba has just surpassed the three million tourists in 2014.

Initially President Obama could order the Department of the Treasury not to persecute U.S. citizens who travel to Cuba without authorization since economic penalties applied to those who risk travelling without permit either via Canada or Mexico is dissuasive. That would add flexibility to tourist trips to Cuba and – above all – repair the legal anomaly of a prohibition that violates the Constitution of the United States that defends the rights of free movement. 

So, Barack Obama has a margin for enough maneuvers to ask the Congress of the United States to end economic sanctions so rejected by the international community and that has isolated the United States in Latin America. The Cuban people but also the people of the United States would be the most benefited by re establishment of normal economic, trade and financial relations between both countries.

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Cuba USA
