Anniversary of the creation of Operation Condor in the southern region of Latin America
Cuba USA

Anniversary of the creation of Operation Condor in the southern region of Latin America

By: Martín Almada
transalation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

OPERATION CONDOR, a Criminal Pact born in Santiago de Chile on November 25, 1975.
Signed by Navy Captain Jorge Casas for Argentina, by Major Carlos Mena for Bolivia, Colonel Benito Guanes Serrano for Paraguay, Colonel Jose A. Fons for Uruguay, Colonel Manuel Contreras for Chile; Brazilian military representative on behalf of General Geisel who did not sign because he was against a globalized agreement of entrance to terrorism. Brazil was only interested in acting in Latin America. A year later Brazil agreed to commit to the conspiracy and very actively. That is how the nightmare began and the poisoned memories of the CONO SUR (southern region) began in Latin America.
The Condor had three main axes of criminal actions:
1) Henry Kissinger, then US Secretary of State, its ideologue in the Cold War.
2) Augusto Pinochet, Chilean dictator. He needed to clean up civilian society, political society and the communist organizations.
3) Hugo Banzer, dictator of Bolivia was responsible for cleaning up the Catholic church of priests “committed to the Theology of Liberation” and its links to campesino movements (LIGAS AGRARIAS – Agrarian Leagues). The “Banzer Recipe” was applied throughout the region attacking the pastoral movement: Christians who fight for a new sky and a new land. When Banzer died, the Bolivian Catholic hierarchy held a large farewell mass and it is suspected that he was granted a passport directly to the HEAVENS.

More than 120 Paraguayans were detained/disappeared in Argentina as part of the “dirty war” without counting the Bolivians, Uruguayans, Chileans, Brazilians detained/disappeared that today request justice.


The ghosts of OPERATION CONDOR continues to fly calmly along the halls of the Judicial Power in Paraguay, the Attorney General’s Office, the Defenders of the People, the General Attorney of the Republic and even the FOREIGN AFFAIRS minister because the policy of Stroessner
continues without Stroessner; in other words CONTINUITY.

In this context, on July 10 1997 Paraguayan colonel Francisco Ramón Ledesma sent to the Ecuadorian colonel Jaime del Castillo Báez, official liason in the CONFERENCE OF THE AMERICAN ARMY (CEA) the list of Paraguayan subversives for Castillo Báez to prepare a general list of subversives in Latin America. The military document was given over to Paraguayans justice for its investigation without any result to date for the deliberate inaction of the Public Prosecutor of Human Rights.

Colonel Francisco Ramón Ledesma testified before Criminal Judge Jorge Bogarin offering valuable information on the birth and manner of action today of STATE TERRORISM through the CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN ARMIES but refused to deliver the mentioned lists of subversives in democracy. This occurred during the government of President Wasmosy also nostalgic remembrance of the Stroessner dictatorship.

According to the ARCHIVES OF TERROR of Paraguay, the Army, Navy and Air Force through their Departments of Intelligence were recipients of repressive institutions in Latin America and whose action is still felt today.

The prestigious CENTER OF LEGAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES, CELS, of Buenos Aires denounced onthe 30th anniversary of the fascist coup in Argentina, the intelligence activities of the Argentine Navy…

It denounced the direction of Argentine Naval Intelligence in Chubut in the hands of the CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN ARMIES, the task of espionage against national and provincial political figures, of the justice power, of families of the victims, of lawyers and organizations of human rights.

We make note that The Armed Forces of Latin America were trained according to the model of the School of the Americas in the Panama Canal Zone that was later transferred to Fort Benning in the US. To date several countries of Latin American continue to send in democracy, representatives of their Armies both in Fort Benning and the Conference of American Armies (CEA) where they learn how to spy and kill in Nazi style.


The batting of the wings of the Condor killed on June 22 of 2012, 6 police and 11 campesinos. This occurred during the incursion of a strongly armed police force in the style of the military dictatorship.
The campesinos had occupied land claiming with justification that it had been usurped by the State for the Strossner entrepreneur (new rich) Blas N.Riquelme. Surely the batting of the wings of the Condor did not allow the Prosecutors and Justices see that a helicopter was flying in over the skies of Curuguaty from where they shot at the poor campesinos and police. To date the legal authorities continue the example of the blindfolded Godess Astrea … and following order of the “higher ups”.

The wings of the Condor also prohibit, to date, legal authorities of “democracy” to see the documents that prove the lands really belong to the State and not to those nostalgic of the dictatorship, Riquelme and family.

The organizations of human rights have the responsibility of making proposals to the National Congress for the democratic change over of the Armed Forces in Latin America; a task pending that coincides with the 40th anniversary of OPERATION CONDOR in November 25 of 1975.

In conclusion, to strengthen our democracy within a context of globalized world capitalism we cannot allow that the poor continue to pay the wastefulness of the powerful. A valid answer to prevent the
invented war against TERRORISM that today is yesterday’s OPERATION CONDOR.

Proof that the CONDOR CONTINUES TO FLY was the coup by the Pentagon against the constitutional government of Honduras that still smells of gun powder. Later the Condor hit Paraguay but this time with dollar odors.

The large world corporations want to continue accumulating the riches of Latin America and socialize poverty by force as during the 70s in the governments of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The CONDOR CONTINUES FLYING and it is urgent to CUT ITS WINGS, declared to the press Martin Almada, victim and discoverer of the ARCHIVES OF TERROR/OPERATION CONDOR.

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