An attempt to interfere in Cuba´s cultural life by the Czech Republic
Cuba USA

An attempt to interfere in Cuba´s cultural life by the Czech Republic

Prague puppets moving around Washington
By: Pedro de la Hoz
Source: La Jiribilla

Sad role of these Prague puppets hanging on the thread of the anti Cuban policy of Washington.
The servile attitude of some authorities and media of the Czech Republic who, from Washington and the counterrevolutionary clique of southern Florida intent on overthrowing, or at lease eroding the political and social system that we in Cuba have chosen with exercise freedom and democratic that is our will.

It is not necessary to go far back; in April of last year. Ten persons from the Island and linked to the counter revolutionary groups spent a week’s vacation in Prague. Let‘s forget the euphemism of calling them
“dissidents” or “activists pro Human Rights”. The purpose of their trip was to take part in a seminar on the history of the Czech transition from real socialism to neo liberal capitalism.

In reality they met with their Czech hosts to receive instructions as how to operate against the Cuban State. They wasted time repeating to the media of that country the anti Cuban propaganda. As it was to be
expected Radio Prague paid them tribute and tried to legitimize them.

This new one and others that we will list bellow is a gross intromission of Czech authorities in Cuban affairs.
Once more Prague opens a call for a literary contest exclusively directed to novelists that “live in the Island” and is geared to “support writers who cannot publish in the Island since they do not belong to any official organizations for literature and save their texts in a drawer waiting for a chance to publish them”.

From the editorial board of the bases of the contest bearing the name of Franz Kafka does a disservice to the memory of this special Czech narrator . There is a stink of a poor soap opera: on one part  the unusual and convoluted definition of these alleged "official literary organizations"
Are they talking of a variety of publishing houses and institutions and activities that function in Cuba and that promote a large variety of and writers subjects from the classics to the contemporary regardless if they are Marxist, Christians, Santeros, materialists, idealists, Cubans who live in Cuba and quite a few who live abroad? On the other side a cheap melodramatic hue that supposes the existence of an underground and invisible literature stored in drawers.

Another sign that demonstrates the lack of imagination of those who intent in this plot is the nature of the Prague institutions that support the library Samizdat Libri Prohibiti that conserves and promotes works that circulated clandestinely in the old Czechoslovakia. Comparing the reality of a cultural underground of the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc nations with Cuba is not only absurd and forced; (there is a phrase very popular in Cuba that defines this – a la cañona ); is also a sign of their supreme ignorance.

The purpose of this operation became evident with granting a prize for a novel: supply 450 issues of the novel published in Spanish by the Czech publishing house in the so called “independent libraries set up
by the clique in the interior of the island. These libraries receive funds from the Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA) the Department of State of the United States.
Just two years ago the federal budget assign WHA 1,53 million dollars for a program “long distance training on basic knowledge for information technology” and “support funds for the purchase o technological software and office material for the activists of human rights, journalists and independent libraries in the Island.”

Someone could suppose that the contest of novels is a project by some Czech citizens organization with their own initiative who decided to “support these poor and ignored writers prevented from publishing
their creations in Cuba” (By the way, some of the winners of the last seven contests prized works have been awarded and published by “official organizations dedicated to literature). However, the Prague
government involvement becomes evident when the bases are informed as well as the means of reception to an email address or the novels can be sent “in other formats to the Czech Embassy in Cuba (Ave Kohly no. 259, entre 41 y 41, Nuevo Vedado)”.

Sad role for the Prague puppets hanging onto the thread of anti Cuban
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