Plan to privatize Office of Transmission to Cuba from the US
Cuba USA

Plan to privatize Office of Transmission to Cuba from the US

source Cubadebate
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The administration of President Barack Obama announced Tuesday plans to possibly create a private company referred to as “a non federal institution in Spanish” for functions of the Office of Transmissions to Cuba (OCB) recently administered by Radio and Television Martí.
Although the federal officials who made this announcement refused specific details of the proposal, according to The New Herald, some analysts speculated it could be a first specific and strong step to dramatically modify operations of transmissions to Cuba initially established under the Ronald Reagan administration during the 1980s as a means to subvert the Cuban government through venomous propaganda and calling for civil disobedience.

The announcement was made by officials of the Board of Governors of Transmissions (BBG) that supervises several services of information financed by the federal government that includes the Office of Transmissions to Cuba (OCB) and the Voice of America (VOA).
The proposal written in a document supplied by the BBG “the non Federal institution for Cuba in Spanish. BBG requests authorization to establish a new organization that is not federal in the media in Spanish and would receive funds from part of the BBG and carry out the functions of the current Office of Transmissions to Cuba”.

According to a document of the 2016 budget released by the blog Along the Malecon on February of 2015, the BBG will channel the funds for this nonprofit organization and would no longer consider it to be a federal agency”.

However, the private organization must “comply with the same standards of professionalism and necessary responsibility”, the document specifies.

Subsidies of these institutions adjust to the dispositions of the law that requires a federal institution to transmit to Cuba and other Latin American and Caribbean countries.

As for the budget proposed for the OCB, BBG documents state it would be $27.1 for the fiscal year of 2017 – more or less the budget of $27.13 million in 2015 and $27.14 million in 2016.

A BBG official said in a press conference Tuesday that the budgets demonstrates a “stable” funding.

The BBG Watch blog assures that these changes rely on a “de federalization of the Office of Transmission to Cuba (OCB) that operates Radio and TV Martí and the Voice of America (VOA) aimed at Latin America.

I suspect that the creation of this new private organization will reduce transparency and make it more difficult to learn how BBG is spending the tax payers money”, explained Tracey Eaton of the Along the Malecon blog.

Private organizations financed by the US rarely supply detailed information on how money is spent in operations toward Cuba. These groups include the Republican institute, the National Democratic Institute, the international Relief and Development and other organizations.

These groups received tens of millions of dollars from the United States government every year. They are powerful organizations and carry out programs around the world and would collapse if it weren’t for federal support.

Financial reports available demonstrate that these organizations tend to publish only general details on how they spend the money and generally refuse to reveal who are their sub contractors.

“I wonder if this new organization financed by the BBG will follow the same pattern”, Eaton added.

Radio and Television Martí are international services financed by the Government of the United States that transmits in Spanish from Miami violating international Regulations. The operations of Radio and TV Martí are supervised by the Office of Transmissions for Cuba founded
in 1990 and have been blocked in the Island ever since.

Radio Martí was founded in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan with programs of an extraordinary aggressiveness and interference in Cuban internal affairs, the promotion of criminal activities and stimulating illegal travel from the national territory.

In 2014 Congress had eliminated the AeroMartí program that transmitted television and radio signals towards Cuba from a plane that are not seen in the Island. The Office focused operations to develop a Martí News digital web page to strengthen an illegal network of collaborators in the Island and create a mechanism of distribution of the contents of the stations through digital web pages in CDs and memory flashes violating Cuban and international laws.

In January of 2015 Congresswoman Betty McCollum presented a bill entitled “Stop wasting money of the taxpayers with transmissions to Cuba” to eliminated the stations but all laws proposed presented last year on Cuba have not been moved in Congress.

Cuba has repeatedly said that to advance in normalization of relations between both countries those transmissions from the United States calling for a regime change most stop.

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Cuba USA
