In this historic day, we are proud of being Cuban
Cuba USA

In this historic day, we are proud of being Cuban

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"I have reiterated in many occasions our willingness to hold a respectful dialogue with the United States on the basis of sovereign equality, in order to deal reciprocally with a wide variety of topics without detriment to the national Independence and self-determination of our people"

"This stance was conveyed to the US Government both publicly and privately by Comrade Fidel on several occasions during our long standing struggle, stating the willingness to discuss and solve our differences without renouncing any of our principles"

Raúl Castro
December 17, 2014

"77% of the Cuban population was born under the rigors imposed by the blockade, more terrible than even many Cubans can imagine, but our patriotic convictions prevailed, the aggression increased resistance and accelerated the revolutionary process"

"To date, the economic, commercial and financial blockade continues to be applied in full force against the island, causing harm and scarcities to the people and is the fundamental obstacle to the development of our economy. It constitutes a violation of International Law and its extraterritorial reach affects the interests of all States"

"One issue is the establishment of diplomatic relations and another is the blockade"

"Thanks to Fidel and the heroic Cuban people, we have come to this Summit, to fulfill the mandate of Martí with the freedom won by our own hands, “proud of Our America, to serve and honor her … with the determination and capacity to help ensure that she is valued for her merits, and respected for her sacrifices,” as Martí stated"

Raul Castro
VII Summit of the Americas
Panama, April 11, 2015.

"To normalize bilateral ties it will also be necessary that the territory illegally occupied by the Guantanamo Naval Base is returned; illegal radio and television transmissions to Cuba ended; programs aimed at promoting destabilization and internal subversion eliminated; and the Cuban people compensated for the human and economic damages caused by the policies of the United States"

"Changing everything which must be changed is the sovereign and exclusive domain of Cubans. The Revolutionary Government is willing to advance in the normalization of relations, convinced that both countries can cooperate and coexist in a civilized manner, to our mutual benefit, beyond the differences we have and will have, thus contributing to peace, security , stability, development and equity in our continent and the world."

Raul Castro
Speech at the National Assembly of People’s Power
Havana, July 15th, 2015

- The Cuba That Respectfully Will Welcome President Obama.
source Granma  President Barack Obama’s visit to Cuba Cuba reaffirms its will to advance in relations with the United States, on the basis of respect for the principles and purposes of the United Nations Charter and the principles of the Proclamation...

- Statement By Bruno Rodríguez, Minister Of Foreign Affairs Of Cuba, At The Re-opening Of The Cuban Embassy In The Us
Her Excellency Mrs. Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary of State;  Officials of the US Government accompanying her; Honorable members of Congress; Esteemed Representatives of the US Organizations, Movements and Institutions who have made huge...

- We Will Continue The Process Of Transformations In Cuban Society At Our Own Pace - Raúl Castro
source Granma Speech presented by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, during the closure of the National Assembly of People’s Power Eighth...

- Press Release By The Cuba´s Delegation To Restore Diplomatic Relations With The Us.
source MINREXOn January 22, 2015, talks were held between delegations of the United States and Cuba aimed at defining the steps that are to be taken with the purpose of formalizing the decision announced by Presidents Raúl Castro Ruz and Barack Obama...

- Obama’s New Cuba Policy: Mcdonald's In Old Havana?
This commentary was written for and first published in Australia's Green Left Weekly.  Obama’s new Cuba policy: McDonald's in Old Havana? By Marce Cameron “I want to see Cuba before everything changes,” is how many reacted to Barack...

Cuba USA
