12th International Essay Contest ¨Thinking Against the Mainstream¨, sponsored by Cuban Institutions
Cuba USA

12th International Essay Contest ¨Thinking Against the Mainstream¨, sponsored by Cuban Institutions

With the purpose of recognizing and spreading critical thoughts on the problems and challenges of contemporary world from the perspective of a wide anticolonial, anti-imperialist and emancipating approach resulting from a development theory free from capitalist influence, committed to the crucial issues of environment and critical of the cruel destruction of Mother Nature by the irrational drive for profit, the Cuban Ministry of Culture, the Cuban Book Institute and the Social Sciences Publishing House announce the 12th International Essay Contest "Thinking Against the Mainstream".

As an alternative to the silencing and marginalization that the emancipating thought is undergoing in the circles of hegemonic reproduction and social and intellectual control and considering the enormous challenges mankind faces as a result of the merciless destruction of the environment, the award "Thinking Against the Mainstream" as well as the special award "An Endangered Species" aim to contribute to the development of ideas, analyses and active proposals within the fields of Social Sciences, Culture, Science and Technology. In that context, both awards call for a diversity of approaches and viewpoints to confront the bases of hegemonic thought in the present international geopolitics.
1. Authors from any country may participate with an unpublished essay in Spanish, Portuguese, English or French (or translated into any of these languages​​), which has not been contracted for publication or won prizes in other competitions.

2. The essay should be less than 20 nor exceed 40 pages. A patterned sheet is composed of 1 800 characters (30 lines by 60 characters each), for a total allowable of 36 000 to 72 000 characters.

3. Bibliography and notes must be presented in an orderly manner.

4. No more than one work per author will be accepted.

5.The essay must be submitted before December 20, 2014 in attachment (preferably rtf, but also .doc or open file formats, such as odt) in a single copy and a single message, properly identified with the author´s name, age, ID number and current address, and a brief summary of his/her Curriculum Vitae to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. The author should get confirmation of receipt of the essay by the Contest Office as a way of notification of his/her participation.

6. A prestigious international jury will review the essays and grant the awards, consisting of 1000 Euros for the first place and the corresponding diplomas.

7. The Jury will also grant the Special Award "An Endangered Species", now in its third edition, in equal terms to the prize "Thinking Against the Mainstream", to the essay that best addresses the dangers and consequences of the environmental crisis resulting from the capitalist mode of production and to the work that best contributes to concrete, nature friendly proposals of anticapitalist development alternatives.

8. The jury will grant up to ten mentions for both awards, without this implying monetary reward of any kind.

9. The Social Sciences Publishing House will publish a book with the awards and mentions winning essays. The Cuban Book Institute reserves the right to the first edition of the competing texts. That reservation will be valid for one year starting from the last day of the call. This does not imply any monetary reward for copyright.

10. The jury's decision is final and will be released in Havana in February 2015, during the Cuban International Book Fair.

11. Participation in the Contest implies acceptance of these rules.

International Contest "Thinking Against the Mainstream"

Editorial Nuevo Milenio, La Habana, Cuba

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