"Mexico clamps down on illegal immigrants from Cuba"
Cuba USA

"Mexico clamps down on illegal immigrants from Cuba"

Yes my FREEDOM-loving brethren, you read the title correctly! Mexico wants to clamp down on illegal immigrants from Cuber. REALLY fleabag? What about those 20 million illegal Mexicans in the U.S? That's OK because they just want to work here in the U.S? since YOUR corrupt, inept, and racist government pilfers the country's wealth and the PEOPLE have NOTHING, but it's OK for your people to come over illegally..yet we can't SAY anything because automatically your branded as racist.

It gets better.. a Cuban who escapes a repressive dictatorship and is in Mexico illegally(REALLY how many illegal Cubans in Mexico 100?) MUST BE SENT BACK IMMEDIATELY!


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- Stunned..........
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- Immigation
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- "la Raza Ceo: 'usa! Usa!' Chants 'made Me Angry' "
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Cuba USA
