Cuba USA


While many are doing backflips(Luis Guiterrez is doing cartwheels) concerning Obama's announcement of amnesty for millions, MEXICO announced a program that if you are a United States citizen and cross the border frequently you may have to pay a fee to go into Mexico.


Just imagine millions entering illegally and DEMANDING services, amnesty, citizenship in Mexico, Central America, and Colombia and see what happens?

- The Mexican Military's Buying Binge To The Us
by John Lindsay-Poland source NACLA Mexico has purchased at least $1.15 billion in military equipment from the United States over the past year. Mexico has been on a buying spree for U.S. military equipment, especially helicopters and armored vehicles,...

- The Global African - Mexican Afro-descendants Video
by Bill Fletcher Jr source telesur Mexico's Afro-descendant population for years has been virtually invisible; now, for the first time ever, the next national census will include the category of Afro-Mexican. Fletcher interviews NY Times Bureau...

- Mexico Has Been In A State Of Crisis For Decades
By Deirdre Griswold Source  Workers World Mexico continues to be rocked by massive protests after the disappearance of 43 students from the city of Iguala, Guerrero state, on Sept. 27. The youth had been handed over to local drug lords by police...

- Video - Mexico Protesters Storm Presidential Palace, Decry Years Of Impunity ....
Source Democracy Now  Protests are continuing across Mexico after the apparent confession of gang members for the massacre of 43 college students in the southern state of Guerrero six weeks ago.  We are joined from Mexico by María Luisa...

- "castro Says Cuban Model Doesn't Work"
Dictator castro "REFLECTING" with Jeffrey Goldberg, a national correspondent for The Atlantic magazine, said :   "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore" Thanks for the Gum ball dictator!....after 51 years in power...thousands...

Cuba USA
