"Dictatorpedia" and others...
Cuba USA

"Dictatorpedia" and others...

Cuba launched EcuRed, "Dictatorpedia" if you will....now rumors have it that Cuba is also ready to launch other Wikipedia like sites.

Here is a sampling:

"51 years in powerpedia"

"Tricky Ricky Alarconpedia"

"Hugo mini-me Chavezpedia"

"is the catholic church with the Cuban people or notpedia"

"Are we really going to release all the political prisonerspedia"

"Havana and Caracas are my kind of townspedia!"

"What happens in Havana, stays in Havana especially if you speak out against the dictatorpedia"

More to come.....

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Alfredo, who are you talking about concerning Mini-me #2 or #3? Well guys here is a Glossary of terms for El Cafe Cubano speak. Now you can dissect my anti-communist blog with fervor!We Cubans or at least here at El cafe Cubano love to use nicknames when...

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Three new students registered for Anger Management classes today in Havana. Ramiro Valdes was seen running through government offices yelling "cuidado que te voy a dar un tiro" while "tricky ricky" alarcon called Wolf Blitzer a 1000 times to set up a...

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- Back By Popular Demand!
Alfredo, who are you talking about concerning Mini-me #2 or #3? Well guys here is a Glossary of terms for El Cafe Cubano speak. Now you can dissect my anti-communist blog with fervor! We Cubans or at least here at El cafe Cubano love to use nicknames...

Glossary Of Terms Alfredo, who are you talking about concerning Mini-me #2 or #3? Well guys here is a Glossary of terms for El Cafe Cubano speak. Now you can dissect my anti-communist blog with fervor! Glossary(Now repeat after me): El Cafe Cubano:--...

Cuba USA
