Cuba USA

Castro Not Going?

According to this article Uncle Fidel will not attend the 15th Iberoamerican Summitt. No reason was given, but I will beat mini-me to the punch, the reason: Capitalism.
The weather here today is cloudy and nasty, a direct result of the evils of Capitalism!

- What You Talkin Bout Mini-me Chavez?

- Changes!
Due to some changes in my personal life, blogging has been very light. The torch for FREEDOM in Cuba still burns bright in my heart. I have heard many times in the last several weeks that "things happen for a reason!" I guess the wise guy in me says:...


Capitalism Caused the Quake? Not only is Fidel an expert in everything, now mini-me is an expert on what caused the recent earthquake: Capitalism(What a come mier...): Chavez: Capitalism Caused Quakes Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez believes natural...

Rally Looks like Hugo Chavez and Ricardo Alarcon are going to attend a rally for them on September 16th at Riverside Church in New York City. Gee, what a surprise, straight out of the communist playbook. You can hear them now: "Calling play number LEFTY...

Cuba USA
