what you talkin bout mini-me chavez?
Cuba USA

what you talkin bout mini-me chavez?

Hugo "mini-me" Chavez ever the orator is now blaming capitalism for the end of life on Mars. Yes, again capitalism gets the blame, yet these communist dictators destroy everything on sight and live the ELITE life, but NEVER are to blame for anything.

- Commie Speak 101 Concerning Mini-me Chavez
Click here for the story. "Vice President Nicolas Maduro surprised Venezuelans with a Christmas Eve announcement that President Hugo Chavez is up and walking two weeks after cancer surgery in Cuba, but the news did little to ease uncertainty surrounding...

- Hugo "mini-me" Chavez Has Surgery In Cuber
Hugo "mini-me" Chavez is not only receiving his marching orders in Cuber, but he is also recovering from surgery. No time table when mini-me will return to mini-Cuba. The operation was not a lobotomy, but a surgery due to a pelvic abscess....

- Zip It Mini-me!
Looks like mini-me chavez was sent to his room for a time out by raulita after literally burying the dictator in the press. After completing his time out, mini-me declares that the morbid dictator is fine and "working and writing." I am sure all the...

- Chavez For The Poor?
Mini-me for the poor? NOT! Click here for this interesting article concerning Mini-me's neglect of his own country and his own people! You commies tienen cada cosa, it's more like assuming power through stealing, division, attacking, removing...

Hugo Chavez Press Conference watch the press conference of Hugo Chavez at the U.N. Summit. Why do all the commie dictators get all softball questions? Check out the statement that 200 doctors, and his security could not get off the plane(People actually...

Cuba USA
