Cuba USA

Earthquake in Louisiana

A minor earthquake with a magnitude of 3.0 occurred yesterday in Louisiana. Before the enemy starts with the propaganda, this is not a direct result of the evils of capitalism, global warming, "Operation Rocky," or Cuban exiles.

- According To Many In The Media And Many Freedom Haters In The Last 54 Years...
Cuban exiles are responsible for: All the problems in Cuba All the problems in the US Dictator Castro's health The rise of the Mafia Dengue fever in Cuba Global warming poverty disease unemployment cancer diabetes Not fostering enough handshakes All...

- Code Word: Reconciliation
Don't get me wrong Liborio, I am all for the Pope visiting Cuba and bringing a message of faith and hope(Let's not forget FREEDOM)to the Cuban people. Before everyone starts singing Kumbaya, take a gander at this article. Doesn't it rub...

Castro Not Going? According to this article Uncle Fidel will not attend the 15th Iberoamerican Summitt. No reason was given, but I will beat mini-me to the punch, the reason: Capitalism. The weather here today is cloudy and nasty, a direct result of the...

Capitalism Caused the Quake? Not only is Fidel an expert in everything, now mini-me is an expert on what caused the recent earthquake: Capitalism(What a come mier...): Chavez: Capitalism Caused Quakes Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez believes natural...

Rally Looks like Hugo Chavez and Ricardo Alarcon are going to attend a rally for them on September 16th at Riverside Church in New York City. Gee, what a surprise, straight out of the communist playbook. You can hear them now: "Calling play number LEFTY...

Cuba USA
