According to many in the media and many FREEDOM haters in the last 54 years...
Cuba USA

According to many in the media and many FREEDOM haters in the last 54 years...

Cuban exiles are responsible for:

All the problems in Cuba
All the problems in the US
Dictator Castro's health
The rise of the Mafia
Dengue fever in Cuba
Global warming
Not fostering enough handshakes
All the problems in Latin America
The personal problems of everyone on earth
CNN ratings
Ratings on Al Sharpton's new show
the role out of the website
obesity in children

- Cuba For Dummies!!
The day before the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Havana, The Plaid Dictator : CASTRO TO AMERICA: YOU OWE US MILLIONS! Millions due to the embargo? Yes, Alfredo!!! ALL of Cuba's problems are due to the embargo and the blog El Cafe Cubano. NO, it...

- "senators: We're Optimistic Cuba To Free Contractor"
Senators Jeff Flake(R) and Tom Udall(D) are in Communist Cuba. According to reports they met with Alan Gross and the Mafia Cuban officials. Alan Gross was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the horrific crime(according to Cuba, NY Times, and...

- Cuba: Rumor Friday.....used Car Edition
El Cafe Cubano has obtained the new structure that will deal with the sales of new and used cars in Cuba: President /CEO:  Raul Castro/Castro Dictatorship USED Car Manager:  Raul Castro/Castro Dictatorship NEW Car Manager:  Raul Castro/Castro...

- The Spirit Of Christmas
We all have problems and those problems seem to be magnified during the holidays. Yours truly has faced a year of major changes, health issues, and with my career. I have felt that we have been hexed or cursed due to the El Café Cubano blog. How selfish...

- I'm Back
My freedom loving brethren due to computer problems and personal reasons I have been away and not been able to post. I will get to your e-mails as soon as I can....

Cuba USA
